Shiny Red Balls

It's your next great business idea.

It's the thing you can do to just make some quick cash on the side.

It's the side project that hasn't really given you back anything.

All of these things are distractions.

They're shiny red balls that catch our attention, lead us astray, and rob us of our effort.

They pull us away from doing the hard and difficult work of sticking to the path, gritting our teeth, and getting through the scary part of building our projects.

What will you have in place to protect yourself from the shiny red balls?

A candid mentor to call you out? A cash flow report to put your attention on survival? A time line you gave yourself and your business partner?

When your brain lights up at the sight of a shiny red ball and it's all you can see, how will you snap yourself out of it?

If you know you can't trust yourself in those moments, how will you get past them?

It's up to your present self to protect and inform your future self.



The 3 Things Essential Things Good Managers Do


The School of Experience