What To Do First When It’s Hard
The hard stuff is usually depicted in movies and other media as some kind of grueling, physical test of will.It’s a race, or a hockey game, or a POW camp.While this can be true for some things, it’s usually not.More likely, the hard stuff is something social, emotional, or psychological.Usually, the hard stuff is just simply: the thing you’re avoiding.It doesn’t have to look hard. It just has to make you feel like you’d like to avoid it.If you’re afraid of it, that’s probably a good sign that you’ve sniffed out the hard stuff successfully.
So what do you do?
Stop me if it’s obvious by now . . .Break it into smaller pieces and then do the first one as soon as you start your day.Building a habit of small actions will accumulate like compounding interest.
2 Minute Action:
What’s the thing you’re dreading doing today?Do it right now.You might not be able to do the whole thing in 2 minutes, and that’s fine.Just start.Putting your shorts on is generally the hardest part of going to the gym.