Chris Danilo

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The Secret Foundation Of Long-Term Success

“I know you’re getting a lot of emails about Black Friday, but this one is different . . . “Do you know how many emails I got yesterday?

Do you know how many of them started with a sentence like this?

A lot.People judge books by their cover, Instagram feed, or email subject line.Most people who even read the news are strictly headline readers.It doesn’t matter whether you have users, clients, patients, or employees—it’s your job to stand out.

It’s your job to build trust.

All of these relationships culminate into the foundation for our long-term successes.Trust becomes your reputation and brand.

2 Minute Action

Remember/recall something specific about someone’s in your life, today.When is their birthday? How is their mother doing? Doesn’t their son have a big hockey game this weekend?Being specific is a thousand times more powerful than being general.