Read This If You Aren't Doing Enough
This is where I start to say things like "don't do more, do less!"
And, "focus on what's important, not just what's urgent!"
Sure. That's true.
But how do you know?
Here's a question you can ask yourself if you're not sure where to put your time or energy when every task is screaming your name:
"What would happen if it didn't get done?"
So simple. So not easy.
I've talked with so many small businesses and non-profits who are absolutely strapped for resources. Somehow, they think they need a custom logo, beautiful website, LinkedIn ads, and all these other things that might not be giving them the one thing they truly need: paying customers.
That's right folks. You heard it here.
You only need one thing to have a successful business and I'll say it again: paying customers.
Sure, there are plenty of companies that have huge ad-spends and beautiful websites and in-office chefs who cook snacks and lunches and dinners for the team and all that.
But you know what?
There are plenty of businesses that are doing just fine without it because they are focused on what matters to them.
Joe's Crab Shack is never going to spend money on a conventional TV ad because that doesn't matter to them. They have their ad on the local diner's menu and in the Jersey Shore guidebook for tourists and that's enough!
There are plenty of businesses just like Joe's Crab Shack.
When I meet up with an old friend with a new business idea and I ask how it's going, they often go into a long list of things they're working on:
"Oh, we're so busy it's crazy! I am wrapping up our logo design, we just bought the domain name, I have a web designer coming in on Tuesday, and we are going to be looking at office space to rent next week."
None of those things matter unless they are getting you more paying customers and when you're small or just starting out, the answer is "they're usually not."
2 Minute Action
Take a look through your to-do list and see if you can find an ROI on your work.
But Chris, the website I'm building lets people know I'm legit and can execute.
Do you know what else does that?
Here's a short list:
- Referrals.
- Testimonials.
- Customer success stories.
- Pictures from your portfolio.
All of these things can be attached in an email, which costs $0.
Chances are there is a cheaper, easier, faster way to get what you want. It's up to you to challenge yourself and find a cost/resource-effective solution.
So, ask yourself: "What would happen if I had to do this without a website?"
What would you do?
Start with that and test your assumption.
Building a website is the easy part.
Talking to customers is scary and harder.
Work on the hard stuff and I promise you'll do fine.
If your business doesn't have a hard part then you probably don't have a business.