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How To Make A Difference In The World In 2 Minutes Or Less

You may be able to tell by now . . .I'm a bit of a perfectionist.Okay, and an idealist.This has pros and cons, of course.One of the cons is that I often forget that most people don't care.

Most people just want to clock in and clock out.

They want to watch the game on the weekends and see the new Avengers movie.They want to have good food, a big house, and a nice car.Most people don't think about how many other people on the planet need their help right now.

But not you.

And the biggest advantage?Just by caring, you have set yourself apart.

You are on a completely different track.

If it doesn't seem like it yet, just remember that exponential curves look a lot like linear curves early on.And then, bang. It's not even close.

"To the arrow about to take swift and purposeful flight, it must feel like nothing is happening."- Zen and The Art of Archery

2 Minute Action

You have a bajillion ways to take action on caring, today.Here are 3:

  1. Look someone straight in the eye and tell them you appreciate them.
  2. Leave a note for a co-worker or partner who could use a smile.
  3. Finally, say "yes" and donate an extra freaking dollar to St. Jude when you checkout at the grocery store.

It's a dollar, people.Let's go.No excuses.Love is action. Action makes a difference.Let's make a difference, today.

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Your Way Isn’t Better For This Reason

Why are you helping those people over there? We have people right here who you could help.Have you heard this argument?I’m not religious, but aren’t we ALL “God’s children?”Stop judging people for the way they choose to help people.Where they donate, who they help, and how they help others is not the point.They’re taking action.What are you doing?

2 Minute Action:

Check out Kiva.orgI have a subscription set up that pulls a small amount of money from my account and posts a micro-loan to someone with a business.It takes 2 minutes to set up and over time, your loans/donations will accumulate and make serious impact.Start now. It’s up to you to help people in need.

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