Read This If You Don't Know The Meaning Of Life
Hang with me on this one.
I'm going a little off-script and into more retrospection that I usually do, here.
You have your own set of challenges.
Your personal life, individual experiences, and DNA have led you to where you are.
It's a mixed up, nuanced, convoluted interaction between who you are, where you're going, where you've been, what you envision, and what the world is telling you.
My point?
There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.
I've had enough bad days to know that there will be plenty more.
I've had enough good days to know that it's worth getting through the bad ones.
At some point, we make decisions about who we are, where we're going, etc.
The way we go is the way we go.
There's no right or wrong, here.
It's just true.
It seems that knowing this, our broader purpose is to conquer ourselves and teach others to do the same.
This might sound too much like my attempt at explaining the "meaning of life," but I'm okay with that.
This is truthfully about as close as I've gotten to answering that question.
The reason we're here, with all our sentience, is to quiet those inner demons, conquer ourselves, and train the next generation to do the same.
I'm sure this isn't the meaning of life, but I'm also just as sure that I'm either close or directionally aligned.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, so please reply/comment.
2 Minute Action
Take a second to reflect and evaluate the following:
- What voices do you have that contradict your mission?
- How do you engage them when they are noisy?
- What might you do to help the next generation learn this skill set?
Take 2 minutes to reach out to someone in your life and ask "how can I help you?"
This small gesture just might be enough to move the needle for someone or give them the courage to go after something they desire.
When You Break Something Of Value
Today, it broke.It was a cheap rubber wristband that I have been wearing for the past few months.Nothing this cheap was meant to last longer than that.If you know me at all, you know that I actively try to remove excess stuff from my life--so you might be wondering why I care or why I have a cheap rubber wristband in the first place.
Here's what happened:
I was running one of my team's LEGO® shows for kids in St. Paul, MN.Part of our shows makes room for displayers of all ages. It helps get locals out to be part of the show and it helps kids network with other builders who are in their community. Pretty cool, right?Well, one kid was so excited to be there that he brought these rubber LEGO® wristbands to give out.
When I spoke with him and thanked him for his hard work, he gave me one of his wristbands.
"Thanks for inviting me, I'm SO excited to be here," he said.It's moments like these when you realize that what you do helps other people be themselves and be part of a community that encourages learnings, that you smile and realize it's all worth it.This kid had the time of his life connecting with older builders and meeting other kids just like him.So no, it doesn't matter that the wristband broke--because I will never forget that kid.Take this as a reminder that it's easy to confuse the value of stuff with the value of experiences.
2 Minute Action
It doesn't have to be a wristband, but what can you give to someone around you to let them know you appreciate them?
- It could be a handwritten "COUPON - Good For 1 Free BackRub."
- It could be a flattened penny.
- It could be a pack of Juicy Fruit gum.
It doesn't matter what the vehicle is, it just matters what sentiment you gave it.It will take you 2 minutes to write a post-it note or give someone a wooden nickel with a story that holds meaning.
Why Your Life Doesn't Look Successful
- People getting married
- People having a baby
- People getting a dog