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The Secret Benefit of Crappy Situations

I was boarding my plane and I couldn’t help it.There was nothing I could do.I got sick right there on the jetway.I took a knee and let everyone pass by me.They escorted me out and denied me for flying.

I feel awful.

My whole body hurts.

But do you know what I thought of immediately afterward?

I was thinking of how grateful I am that this isn’t that bad.I’m sick and I have to pay for an extra room/night—I’m not dying.I’m grateful for how my team executed our latest project.I’m grateful that Southwest treated me with respect and kindness and rescheduled my flight at no extra cost right on the spot.I even was reminded of Veteran’s Day and all the folks who have done the hard work so I can make the impact I want.I know this was a little weird to be thinking about while my stomach was turning in knots—but that’s just the point.

I haven’t always thought this way.

It’s been a habit of remembering that when things suck, it’s actually not that bad.There is a 0% return on investment for complaining.There is an immediate benefit of feeling gratitude.

2 Minute Action

What’s something that sucked recently?How might you zoom out or reframe this to see the big picture?Gratitude can happen by itself, for sure, but you can also make it happen with just a little more effort.The benefits are huge.Just think!You have the power to turn lots of crappy situations into positivity!

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The Hidden, Everyday Choice That Can Change Your Life

It’s not what you think.It’s not a montage of running and working out.You don’t get to do 4 push-ups and then, by the end of the 4-minute theme song, you’re strong and capable.You have to feel every rep, every early morning, every aching muscle cell.There’s just no other way, yet.

Consider this another reminder.

Consider this another slow, consistent, deliberate stroke of the hammer.You get the glorious gift of a brand new day, every day!

You get another shot every 24 hrs.

You get to choose, again and again.Drip. Drip. Drip.Whatever you’re working toward, the only way there is consistent, daily action.

2 Minute Action

This isn’t new information.This isn’t some cutting edge new technique.This is the same, old-school law of physics that has always been the way things work.

What are you afraid of doing?

Sales calls? Asking for a raise? Having lunch with your mom?Pick one. Make it happen. It’s probably just 2 minutes away.Today, you’ve been given another shot.Don't let yourself down.

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Everything That's Holding You Back In 60 Seconds

There's something calling for your attention.It's asking for something important, that you value.It's asking for your time and your focus.It's asking for your energy and your intention.It's asking for those precious limited resources we have.

It's everything.

Well, it's everything but what's important.What's important and urgent deserves your focus and energy.What's important and not urgent also deserves your time and intention.It's those non-essential things, which makes up most of what's out there, that will take up 80% of your resources.

You can't do everything.

So choose what is essential to your life.Yes, you can choose to do this--most people won't.Most people will let their lifestyle inflate to consume their income and then complain that they need more income to pay for their lifestyle.But not you, you're smarter than that.The same goes for work and personal habits.You get to choose what's essential and how to focus your time.Yes, you can.

2 Minute Action:

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.Take 2 minutes to look at how you've spent your time (work and outside of work) over the last 4 weeks.What is non-essential or not helping you achieve your goals?Take this small moment to delete some non-essentials and commit for a week--not forever--just a week to see how you do.It probably took you only 60 seconds to read this post and form an opinion.It doesn't take much more to take action.

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