The 3 Things Required To Master Life
Before I get this going, I need to say something really important.This whole thing is really simple to understand but hard to implement.This is one of those things that just takes a lifetime.That said . . .
1 - Awareness
Understand that there's a problem, a change, an opportunity. Identify and define.
2 - Acceptance
Realize that this is a reality. This does not mean you are complacent with the reality--only that you understand it's realness. Most of the battle for most people is fought here. Shortening the distance between awareness and action is one of the most critical skills we can develop.
3 - Action
These are the strategies and real-world tactics you take to move you from one state of existence to another. It happens after you make a choice to commit to action.
2 Minute Action
Pick an issue in your life right now.It doesn't matter if it's good or bad.Run that problem through this 3 step exercise.Have you used this framework or a similar one before?Let me know what's worked for you or how this new approach feels different.
One Word That Actually Means Something On Black Friday
This Black Friday, I want you to think about one word.
What’s enough to be happy?What’s enough to get to the next step?What’s enough to be done?No matter whether it’s the material things in your life, the day-to-day tasks, or the people in your social support system—it’s up to you to decide what’s necessary.
2 Minute Action
What’s something in your life that costs time, headache, or money?What might happen if it disappeared?Sometimes you need to lose something before you see the value, and sometimes you need to lose it to see that you never really needed it at all.Pick one thing in your life right now that is costing you something. Commit to eliminating it for a week.Once you’ve felt the pain of not having it, you’ll know what your next move is.
The Unintuitive Way A Brick Wall Can Show The Future
Lots of people can have a difficult conversation.Lots of people can go for a 4 mile run.Lots of people can overcome a fear.That’s all great.Those experiences tell us what we’re capable of.But what happens next is truly important.
What happens next is how consistently we do these things.
When we conquer new fears everyday, we build a powerful confidence that lets us approach what was once unapproachable.When we run everyday, running becomes easy and we are on to the next challenge.When we are consistently assertive and kind, we develop a reputation of respect and dependability that helps us with later endeavors.
Our daily actions are investments in our future.
Every second counts and every decision matters.My old high-school track coach used to say:“Every practice is like one brick and at the end of the season, you’ll have a brick wall. If you miss one practice, it probably won’t make a difference, but if you make a habit of it, the whole wall will be full of gaps.”
Every day is a brick.
Either you show up and make it happen, or you leave the gap.
2 Minute Action
It takes 2 minutes to visualize your day.Walk through how it will go and rehearse your actions.Prepare for battle!This is your time to suit up and commit to a day of purpose.Pick one brick to lay and make it happen.