1 Simple Way To See More Opportunities

Do you practice?Not just hobbies or things outside the scope of your work. I mean your work, too.Do you practice patience, assertiveness, and creativity?

It goes without saying that if you’re not deliberately practicing, you won’t improve.

So, how do you practice if it’s not a language or an instrument or a technique?Its up to you to find the opportunities in your routine.Its up to you to prevent yourself from avoid the discomfort of those moments.

There’s no magic, here—you just have to care enough to show up.

And when you see opportunities to grow instead of problems that add friction, you’ll know you’re practicing the right kind of thinking habits.

2 Minute Action

What’s something that happened recently that made you uncomfortable?Think of an interaction with someone or a result you got that wasn’t what you expected.It will take you 2 minutes or less to reframe that situation as an opportunity to grow.Ask yourself what you could have done better.Take this lesson with you into your day and keep an eye out for opportunities!

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The Hidden, Everyday Choice That Can Change Your Life

It’s not what you think.It’s not a montage of running and working out.You don’t get to do 4 push-ups and then, by the end of the 4-minute theme song, you’re strong and capable.You have to feel every rep, every early morning, every aching muscle cell.There’s just no other way, yet.

Consider this another reminder.

Consider this another slow, consistent, deliberate stroke of the hammer.You get the glorious gift of a brand new day, every day!

You get another shot every 24 hrs.

You get to choose, again and again.Drip. Drip. Drip.Whatever you’re working toward, the only way there is consistent, daily action.

2 Minute Action

This isn’t new information.This isn’t some cutting edge new technique.This is the same, old-school law of physics that has always been the way things work.

What are you afraid of doing?

Sales calls? Asking for a raise? Having lunch with your mom?Pick one. Make it happen. It’s probably just 2 minutes away.Today, you’ve been given another shot.Don't let yourself down.

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The Secret This World-Class Drummer Used To Be The Best Without Doing More Work

Steve Smith was the drummer for Journey.

He had been a drummer for most of his life and many people held the opinion that he was one of the best in the world.

Smith has been on the front page of Modern Drummer Magazine and DRUM! Magazine, he has been listed in Rolling Stone’s Top 100 Drummers of all time and is currently enlisted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Smith was a great drummer because of his commitment to improvement and his self-discipline in practice.

Smith was so committed that he took 3 years off.

Sounds weird, right?

Well, he took 3 years off from touring and instead studied with a drum guru—far away from his bands.

When he came back, his bandmates were very excited to hear him play all the new stuff he’d learned.

Smith knew something they didn’t.

When they played again, for the first time in 3 years, his bandmates were blown away--but not for the reason you're thinking . . .

“Steve, you don’t sound ANY different! You sound EXACTLY THE SAME! What the heck did you do up there?”

Smith simply replied:

“That’s exactly what I hoped you’d say. I know I sound exactly the same, but I’m doing a third of the work.”

This story encapsulates the core principle of productivity: working smarter and not harder.

Please, stop believing that you have to drum harder to sound better.

You don’t.

You don't need to work a million hours, cut valuable hours of sleep, de-prioritize your family, etc. etc. etc.

By focusing on the essentials, you give your brain and body space to improve and be happy.

You can, with deliberate practice and focus, work on the things that will yield the highest output for the lowest cost.Master the essentials--because the rest is just noise.

2 Minute Action

Take 2 minutes to cut one or two things from your list today.

You can cut a task. You can cut a project. You can cut a person. You can cut anything you want, so long as it’s non-essential.

You only have the rest of your life.

There is no time for the non-essential in any dimension.

Please, reply here and let me know what you're planning to cut out from your life.

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