Read This If You're Waiting For Something

In the "productivity" or "project management" world, things you're waiting on are called dependencies.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

In the "productivity" or "project management" world, things you're waiting on are called dependencies.

You're dependent on someone's work to get done so you can start your own.

In complex projects, you may have multiple dependencies--which means even if some of them are ready on time or ahead of schedule if ONE of them is late, your start time is late.

Based on this, you can easily guess that the fewer dependencies you have, the faster you can go because you're in more control of your start/finish times.

One of the reasons startups move so fast is because there are fewer departments, fewer regulations or requirements, and often, fewer stakeholders weighing in.

Faster doesn't always mean better, I'm just pointing out a real-world example, here.

The point is, that whatever you're doing, you may be waiting on dependencies that you have no control over and you might be waiting on dependencies that you can remove.

Distinguishing and scrutinizing dependencies are the skills we're developing, here.

2 Minute Action:

What are the things you're waiting on to finish or even start?

What would happen if you went ahead without them?

If you're a surgeon and you're waiting on the blood-type of your patient, you should probably hold off until you have it. The stakes are high.

For most other scenarios, the stakes aren't very high and you might find that you can get to your goal faster if you eliminate dependencies or if you work in parallel while they're in progress.

So, in 2 minutes, find a dependency you have and challenge it.

Make it fight for its life to stay a dependency.

Your work depends on it.

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Read This If You Have Writer's Block

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

I can't think of what to write.

I don't know what will resonate with people.

This idea could be better.

This idea should be better.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

That's one of those inner voices that is stopping you from starting.

So, how do I avoid writer's block?

I literally just start writing.

I start writing about whatever is happening, relevant, on my mind, happened recently, whatever.

The process of writing and turning a story or an idea into a lesson/action happens as I go.

This helps me beat "writer's block."

I also write like I talk, which means that what I write is easy to understand and easy to read--because you're busy and have stuff to do.

I love talking about this because I feel like it plagues so many people.

Start first. The thinking will follow. You can edit later.

Nike nailed this one with "Just Do It."

It's not just writers who get "writer's block."

It's entrepreneurs, teachers, consultants, physicists, and anyone else with a human brain.

You're not going to avoid feeling like you have it, but you can manage it when the feeling is upon you.

2 Minute Action:

What is something you've been avoiding?

Maybe something you've been waiting on something/someone else for?

What would happen if you had to execute anyway?

  • If you're writing a book, a 2-minute version of that might be a blog post.
  • If you're shooting a movie, a 2-minute version of that might be an Instagram live video.
  • If you're writing software application, a 2-minute version of that might be a "hello world" script.

What else? I'd love to hear other ways you can take what you're working on and start with just 2 minutes of action.

If you're not sure or if you feel stuck, just reply/comment.

I bet we can find a solution, together.

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A Surefire Way To Never Achieve A Goal

I recently heard someone report on a project they were working on."Today, I'm working on this," they said. "I'm getting there."This is the kiss of death in the Agile framework.It's not specific, it doesn't give you any new information, and it doesn't tell you when it will be done.It's easy to see that it's a pretty useless sentence.So why do so many managers accept this from their teams?There are probably a lot of reasons. There's a lot going on, it's a long process and takes time, there are many variables in the way, it's not something tangible we can just measure or chart.The truth is that these are all excuses for lazy project management.

The truth is that this is usually the cause of one of two things:

  1. A conscious or non-conscious desire to avoid accountability. OR
  2. A vaguely defined goal or objective.

Let's break this down for a second.A vague goal would sound like "losing weight" or "speaking better Spanish."A clearly defined goal would sound like "losing 10 pounds by March" or "having a 30-minute conversation with a native speaker."

So where's the breakdown?

The secret is in the "-ing."It's the tell-tale symptom.There's no clear beginning or end. You can't check off the box.You're not sure where it starts or stops.It's the trouble with all gerunds.They used to be verbs, but now they're nouns.They used to be actionable, but now they're just there.This means that goals, progress reports, and project plans should all paranoically scan for "-ing" before finalizing.If you have one, it will likely end in an uncomfortable or unhappy failure.

2 Minute Action:

Here are the 3 questions I ask my team every, single day.Take 2 minutes and ask yourself:What did you accomplish yesterday?What will you accomplish today?Do you have any dependencies (things you're waiting on) to get these done?What are the impediments that will stop you from checking off these boxes?By focusing on what boxes are checked and which ones aren't you can avoid falling into the trap of eternally "working toward" something that may never have a finish line.Pro-tip: if your impediments are "not enough hours in the day" or "not enough coffee," you need to step back and look at your process/goals/expectations/standards. You might have a disaster right in front of you. 

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