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The Boring, Unsexy Thing That Gives People Confidence

This one isn't a fun one.

You know how these posts go, by now.

Sometimes it's motivational, sometimes it's metaphorical, a lot of the time it's reflective and a little of the time it's hyper nitty-gritty detailed and tactical.No matter how the information gets out, it's usually about doing more or increasing output.In general, we each tend to focus on the output alone and forget the other factors that exist alongside it.This is not a post about focusing on less.This is a post about using what you have until it's spent.

This is a post about being patient with others, with yourself, and with the world around you as you move through it.

The hard part isn't understanding the problem or even taking action--lots of people make it that far.The hard part is executing again and again and again.The hard part is continuing on, even when it's boring or when it looks like you're not going to make it.The hard part is not doing some of it without doing all of it.The hard part is showing up every day.Drip.Drip.Drip.

2 Minute Action

What's the boring, unsexy part of your day?Exercise?Phone calls?Paperwork?You pick.Do that first.You will build trust with yourself, which will lead to confidence and achievement.

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How To Finally Understand Motivation and Make It Work

There’s something special about the blank page. Pure possibility. And even more important: it’s what’s behind the page.

That’s the promise you made to fill it. 

Whether your blank page is a computer terminal, a squat rack, or a sales call, it’s just as big of a promise.

The only trouble is that it’s never like it is in the movies. 

It’s unsexy. There’s no montage. There’s no theme music. There’s no audience cheering you on. 

It’s just you and your commitment. 

It’s just the raw reality of what it takes. You have to stir up the motivation in yourself. You have to remind yourself why you’re doing it—because no one else is going to do it for you. It’s up to you to evaluate and crush your own excuses. 

Every day. 

Even though you don’t get any credit, today. Even though you don’t get any recognition, today. Even though you don’t get any return on investment, today. That’s the way the path goes. 

Drip. Drip. Drip. 

Every day. No matter what. 

2 Minute Action

What are you avoiding?I’ve said this before and that’s kind of the point. It’s not always going to be a new, shiny task or action item that shows up at your desk. Most of the time, it’s going to be the same, dull, boring task you don’t want to do. So, start with that. De-sensitize yourself to the dullness. Your compounding interest depends on it. 

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Why Messing Up Helps (It’s Not Because You Learn From Failure)

Yes, I make typos.

Yep, I splice commas all over the place.Yeah, I end sentences with prepositions and incorrectly use the semi-colon.I’m not trying to be perfect, because a habit of perfectionism can consume a lot of time.

I’m trying to get the point across quickly.

I’m trying to do what’s essential and then move on.Doing all the extra stuff can be nice but it has to be worth the consequence of time and energy—and that part is up to you.

2 Minute Action

I call this 2 minute action out everyday because by thinking small and consistent, we can build really huge things.Whats taking up 80% of your time or causing 80% of your pain right now?Focus on that first and don’t solve anything else.What we we found out in software development was that when we fixed some part of the software over here, some other part would break over there.By fixing one thing at a time, we didn’t spend too much time fixing stuff that didn’t matter or that wasn’t a priority.So think of your top time waster, soul crusher, or pain maker. Maybe you can’t solve it in 2 minutes but you can take the first step in 2 minutes.Go for it. Schedule the call, set the agenda, but the plane ticket, commit to the work, create the user story, text your father, whatever it is.One at a time.Drip. Drip. Drip.

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