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The Reason We're Not All Billionaires With 6-Pack Abs

It's hard to be useful every day.It's hard to do something impactful every day.Sometimes it's just hard to do anything, at all.

And of course, we all know that if it were easy, we'd all be billionaires with 6-pack abs.

Still, that doesn't always motivate us to start or to keep going.

The easiest way to change our inertia or to keep our pace is to make the task smaller.

Fine, don't run 5 miles at a 7 min/mile pace. Run 2 miles at a 10 min/mile pace.Fine, don't make 150 phone calls. Make 65.Fine, don't write letters to all your students. Just do 30%, today.

There are at least two strange and productive things that happen when we break things into small chunks.

  1. We maintain momentum and we're more likely to pick up where we left off later.
  2. We are more likely to do more than we set out to.

One of the lessons I've learned over and over is to stop getting in my own way.This is such a great example.I get big eyes! I bite off more than I can chew. I dream so big and I want to make so many great things happen, that I run the risk of getting nothing done because I spread myself too thin.It's not uncommon.

2 Minute Action

Here are some options for today:

  • If you also have "big eyes," take at least 1 thing off your to-do list, today.
  • If you have a huge task, break it into smaller pieces.
  • No matter what, do 2 minutes of exercise. Planks, pushups, burpees. You have 2 minutes and you won't get sweaty.

If taking on too much sounds like you, reply here and let me know.We have to look out for each other.Let's make a ruckus, today.

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A Common Reason Resolutions Are Ineffective

It's a fresh start.A clean slate.The funny thing is that you can make a clean slate whenever you want.The sun comes up every day.That's the most high-frequency slate-wiper I know of.

So why do we wait until January to make a resolution?

You're in control.You can decide whenever you want.The new year is just a good excuse.It's up to you to invent more good excuses--because this one only comes around every 365 days.It's the waiting for some arbitrary, made-up mile-marker that can slow so many people down.It's the other 364 days on your revolution around the sun that actually matter.Today is just one of them.

More than 2 Minute Action:

You've probably got more than 2 minutes to reflect, today.Take some extra time to sit by yourself and compare last year's goals and resolutions to this year's behaviors.What matches?Comment here and let me know what you will be doing differently this year to achieve new results.

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The Hidden, Everyday Choice That Can Change Your Life

It’s not what you think.It’s not a montage of running and working out.You don’t get to do 4 push-ups and then, by the end of the 4-minute theme song, you’re strong and capable.You have to feel every rep, every early morning, every aching muscle cell.There’s just no other way, yet.

Consider this another reminder.

Consider this another slow, consistent, deliberate stroke of the hammer.You get the glorious gift of a brand new day, every day!

You get another shot every 24 hrs.

You get to choose, again and again.Drip. Drip. Drip.Whatever you’re working toward, the only way there is consistent, daily action.

2 Minute Action

This isn’t new information.This isn’t some cutting edge new technique.This is the same, old-school law of physics that has always been the way things work.

What are you afraid of doing?

Sales calls? Asking for a raise? Having lunch with your mom?Pick one. Make it happen. It’s probably just 2 minutes away.Today, you’ve been given another shot.Don't let yourself down.

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