If You Think I Can Change Your Life, Stop Reading Here

It’s really unlikely that I will change your life.

I can say motivational things and give you tips and tricks to be productive.

I can talk about how important education is and how the future of our world is dependent on it.

I can even call you out with a 2-minute action every, single day.

But the reality is that I can’t help you.

I am only able to ask you the questions that you need to ask yourself.

You are the one who needs to put in the work every day.

You are responsible for your own discipline.

You are accountable for auditing and improving yourself.

“We are what we continually do, therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit.” -  Aristotle

2 Minute Action

What are you dreading doing today?

Start with that.

I’ve said this before. This isn’t new.

And that’s the point. It’s a daily grind.

My job isn’t to give you something new and shiny to read every day.

My job is to tell you the truth.

The truth is that when you start every day by doing something you don’t want to do, you get stronger.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Every day.

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How Planning For The Future Can Hurt!

Just in case.

In the future, we might need to connect our software to another app.In the future, we might need to accommodate this new type of encryption for transfers.In the future, we might need to have a data base setup for users to store this special information.

Guess what?

It’s now.It’s not the future.The time and resources you spend building something for 5 or 10 years down the road is most likely going to be wasted.Its really hard to predict how many users, clients, customers, attendees, patients, or students you will have.

In fact, you will most certainly be wrong.

Stop future proof-ing your work.Plan for the reasonable next steps, but STOP looking 5 or more years out and making tactical, EVERYDAY decisions based on what MIGHT happen.Plan for the plan.Then adapt to reality.Don’t take action on all the things that might be.

2 Minute Action

Whats 1 thing that will make tomorrow easier?It can be setting out your workout clothes for the morning.It can be responding to an email or two tonight.It can be looking at your calendar and setting up some tasks for tomorrow.Pick one thing and go for it.Front-load the work and you will hit the ground running.

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A Secret Weapon Most People Don’t Know They Have

When you learned geometry, it wasn’t because you were going to need it later in life.It was taught so you would learn to sit still and follow instructions.Mans maybe that’s important for some people some of the time.But what it doesn’t teach is the practical skills you need to be a productive and informed citizen.Until we change the way we educate, it’s up to you to educate yourself with the things that are useful.That means it’s up to you to determine what’s useful and do the work to learn it.Owning your future means envisioning it, backwards engineering what it takes to get there, and executing relentlessly.Its up to you to figure out how to do all three.Theres no manual and you won’t learn these skills in school.

2 Minutes Action:

Who is someone you admire?Call/email them and ask about their journey.If you have one person in your life who you admire and will talk to you for 30 minutes a month, you have won the lottery.This resource can be a secret weapon that gives insight into yourself and your potential future.

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