Read This If Work Makes You Happy
"So, Chris, what happens when work goes away?"
I was talking to a mentor, sharing how I derived most of my happiness from my work.
I was sharing the intense responsibility I felt for helping people and the immense sense of purpose I got from executing at a high level.
Then he asked this tough question and he was right.
It's like finance. I diversify my investments so that if any individual one of them incurs a loss, I don't lose everything. This helps my odds of having a successful outcome.
But why wasn't I doing this for my sources of happiness?
It was time to get intentional about being happy.
Realizing that made it clear that I had never made happiness a priority.
And that's really the punchline, here.
2 Minute Action
Write a quick list of the things you do right now that make you happy.
Is it more than 1? More than 3?
It's up to you to decide how many sources of happiness you might need. I feel like at least 3 are necessary.
If you only have 1 right now, that's okay. It's time to look inside yourself and ask "what makes me come alive?"
And then go for it.
Read This If You Want Your Job To Make You Happy
I have really bad news.
But first, I'm going to tell you a quick story.
When I was in college, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do after graduation. I pulled a few graduate students together, into a panel, and asked them questions.
One grad student said something that really resonated with me.
She said:
"there's no job in the world that will make you happy, unless you're already happy."
- Helen G.
Whoa. That really stood out.
Let's be clear, if you're a coal miner and you get the black lung, I think we can agree that you have a crummy job and you'd be much happier somewhere else.
The point that this grad student was making was that I had only considered external factors in the creation of my happiness. I had never considered all of the internal factors, and those were even more powerful.
My point in telling you this story is to ask you a question about your work, your productivity, and your impact.
It's not the job that makes us happy, it's how we see ourselves in our jobs.
It's not the career that makes us happy, it's all of the experiences we have and relationships we build that make us feel happy.
2 Minute Action:
So, today, I'd like you to take 2 minutes out of your day and consider some of the things that truly make you happy. Look outside yourself, but also look inside yourself.
Go ahead, make a list. I love lists.
When you see the full scope of what makes you feel alive, you'll be able to diversify your sources of happiness.
I know it's scary, but it's important.
This Choice You Make Will Shape Your Success And Happiness
You know what helps when work gets hard?
The team of people around you.This is why we hire for aptitude, attitude, and cultural fit.It’s always a little easier to take failures on the chin when you have others sharing the burden or when they are there to get you back in the fighting ring.
The cool thing is that you get to choose those people.
You get to choose who works for you or who you work for.You get to choose with whom you share experiences.Slowly, over time, you will see the group of people around you change and grow, and it’s up to you to recognize if you’re flying among eagles.
2 Minute Action
Let a valuable friend know they are valuable, today.It’s so easy but it can be so impactful.