Read This If You Have No Idea What You're Doing
Hint: the answer ISN'T: "no one knows what they're doing, so you're justified. Just keep going."
Well, for starters; congrats.
This is the part where I go on and on about how no one knows what they're doing.
Like this kid in the picture. Get real. He doesn't know how to read that book.
I'll then go on to conclude one of a few platitudes:
- No one knows what they're doing, so you're justified. Just keep going.
- No one knows what they're doing at first, so you're justified. Just monitor yourself until you get there.
- Some people know what they're doing but that's because they worked really hard and now they know things.
- We each have our unique "thing" that we know how to do and life is about finding that thing and sharing it with the world.
Oh, man. I feel like I could keep going, but I'll just stop at 4.
All I want to do is ask you to pay attention to how you're feeling about this.
Where does this feeling of "not knowing what you're doing" come from?
- Is it literally a lack of expertise?
- Is it because you've never done anything like this before?
- Is it imposter syndrome?
None of these questions are impossible to answer.
And none of the answers are impossible to reconcile.
These feelings are just indicators. They're kind of like the check engine light in your car.
They tell you something is wrong, but then you have to actually run a diagnostic check to figure out what's going on. You might be able to do this at home, but you may have to enlist help.
2 Minute Action:
The point I'm making is that I'm not going to tell you "keep trying!"
I'm telling you to identify the feeling and go after it.
Understanding the indicator will help you chase the solution.
If you're afraid, follow the fear.
If you're confident, follow the confidence.
Your 2-minute action might be literally taking 2 minutes to reflect.
It might also be taking 2 minutes to schedule a phone call with a mentor or close friend to talk through this feeling and help you identify it.
Whatever you're doing, it can take just 2 minutes to get the ball rolling.
What is Imposter Syndrome And How Do I Make It Go Away?
Something I've often felt when entering a new job or a new field is the fear of being a fraud.As if I were really three golden retrievers stacked up in a trench coat and someone was going to notice.The interesting truth is that it's pretty common and it's completely unfounded.
Here's everything you need to know about Imposter Syndrome:
1 - It’s totally normal.
This is part of growing as a person, learning, and stretching your abilities.The feeling comes from not accepting your successesEver get a compliment and shrug it off as a fluke, or something that just happened without you really trying? Here’s where it comes from. The more you start to give yourself credit for your accomplishments and successes, instead of just environmental factors, the more you’ll build an immunity to this feeling.
2 - Friends and Family don’t always help
Research is finding that many of those who experience Imposter Syndrome come from families where achievement is highly valued and pressurized.
3 - Brace yourself for new endeavors
Imposter Syndrome also pops up in people who are at the start of a new venture. It’s going to be easier to handle this feeling when you can expect it, label it, and realize that it’s not going to last forever.
4 - Perfectionist? Procrastinator?
You guessed it, that doesn’t help either. This is a real challenge. Here’s one way I got over being a perfectionist:
- Realize what your goal really is
- Decide what you can really do to get there
- Make a commitment to relentless forward progress - no matter your speed.
Here are some things you can do about it:
1 - All alone?
This is no good for anyone since social relationships make such a broad impact on so many parts of our psychology. It’s no different here. Get a mentor. Actually, get 3 mentors.If you can find 3 people in your life that you can call for a half hour, once a month, and be honest and candid with you, you’re going to have a much easier time adjusting.
2 - Realize how much you actually do.
One of the things that a mentor told me when I was experiencing this for the first time was: make a list of all the things you do. Go ahead, pop open your notepad and work on it for a few days. You’ll be shocked at how long that list starts to get with all of your talents and successes.
3 - Be freaking nicer to yourself.
This is probably the most difficult challenge I’ve faced.I mean, it’s those who are never satisfied who make the biggest change and impact in the world, right?Well, maybe some of them do, but there are plenty of people who do it without this philosophy. In fact, when you think about it, never being satisfied with your progress just seems like a great way to . . . never be satisfied.Not exactly a shortcut to happiness, is it?Give yourself time, forgive yourself for imperfections, and talk to others who’ve been through tough times before. You’ll be amazed at what this will do for your psyche, your productivity, and your happiness.
2 Minute Action:
You have 2 minutes to do one of these things:
- Set up a call with a mentor
- Write down 5 good things a close friend would say about you.
- Look yourself in the mirror and say "I forgive you for not being perfect."
You've only got the rest of your life left.Let's go.
Dear Changemaker
I recently wrote this letter to the, a home for changemakers in State College, PA. Although this was written for college students, I think it still applies to all of us. I hope you get something from this, but more important: I hope you do something with it. If you know someone who might be a good fit for this co-living environment, please encourage them to apply--or to reach out to me for guidance. My door is always open.
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Dear Changemaker,
You’re on the cusp. The door of the airplane is open, your chute is packed, all that’s left is for you to jump. You may feel anxious, excited, or both. Regardless, there are 3 common things that co.spacers say or think when they kick-off the airplane and launch into their journeys for the first time. Understanding these thoughts will equip you for success in your time at the and also in your career.Read on, meditate on these, and apply daily.
“I don’t belong here.”
Believe it or not, this is one of the most common thoughts that can occur for new or returning co.spacer. The whole point of the is to put mover and shakers under one roof so they can support and amplify each other. Strangely, it can also cause intimidation. It turns out, though, that this often happens when you start a new venture. It’s called imposter syndrome, and it’s totally normal.Research is finding that many of those who experience Imposter Syndrome come from families where achievement is highly valued and pressurized. Go figure.It’s also amplified if you’re a perfectionist or if you have a habit of brushing off your successes as flukes. One way to tell if this is you is by asking yourself if you have the thought “I must have tricked them into picking me.”As stressful as these experiences feel, it’s part of the journey. It’s part of growing as a person, learning, and stretching your abilities. It might feel strange, but it’s normal. It’s your new normal.
“I don’t have a big idea.”
No one said this was a house for entrepreneurs or innovators. It’s a house for changemakers. Changemaking is about being the change; first. Making change in an industry doesn’t mean you have to have a software startup or a hoodie company that brings hoodies to communities that don’t have access to hoodies. Changemaking is about calling out what could be better about the world, looking inside yourself and evolving from there.This conscious introspection and deliberation to constantly reinvent oneself is called: intention, and you’re going to hear a lot about it. Co-living in will give you many opportunities for intentional growth, and the fun part is that it will almost always happen right under your nose, without some big red alarm or fanfare.For example, new co.spacers often feel the massive importance of taking on the whole world, but may fail to clean and put away their own dishes. How you do anything is how you do everything. That’s just how your brain works.
“My idea is too big.”
Brace yourself; here come the inspirational quotes about “every marathon starts with one step,” and “slow and steady.” These can be helpful in the short term to spike motivation, but they’re not effective at alleviating the long-term, water torture of incapacitatingly huge dreams.When you ask an effective changemaker how they’ve made such incredible impact, you’ll almost always hear the same story. “It didn’t start this way,” or “we had no idea what we were doing 10 years ago.” It turns out that big, hairy, audacious goals are actually made up of lots of small, incremental goals. The key is action.You have to start without seeing the end. Action begets answers to your questions.We often overestimate what we can achieve in one year, but massively underestimate what we can achieve in 10 years. The formula for change is small, consistent, incremental improvements multiplied by time--not wild, overnight paradigm shifts. And the cool thing is that 1% compounding interest doubles every 72 days, not every 100 days. 1% change is a much more practical and statistically likely goal. If your mission is change, you can’t ignore this implementation reality.Finally, there are a few other things that will happen you move through the and on your journey:You’ll have to decide which advice to take. You’ll have to forgive yourself for making stupid decisions. You’ll have to forgive yourself for taking bad advice. You’ll have to get up early in the morning and put your gym shorts on without hitting the snooze button. You’ll have to come home to a messy house talk to your housemates head-on and refrain from passive aggression. You’ll have to clean someone else’s dishes so you can eat your breakfast. You’ll have to forgive others when they break your things.You will have to love people before they’re perfect.Especially yourself.There are only two things that will hold you back from your wildest dreams: fear and oppression.You already know what you can control and what you can’t.While you’re at, you’ll be given all the tools you need to build something bigger than yourself. So pay attention. Go to house dinners. Raise your hand in house meetings. Pitch an idea that considers others first.You’ve got a community of changemakers, past and present, ready to come to your aid. All you need to do is show up. All you need to do is bring yourself. All you need to do is care.Do that, and you’ll have an army of changemakers with you wherever you go. Welcome to the tribe,Chris Danilo
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A note to my readers: If you'd like to take more action and get closer to our own tribe, join the private, Relentless Community Facebook group, here.