Read This If You Don't Know The Meaning Of Life
Hang with me on this one.
I'm going a little off-script and into more retrospection that I usually do, here.
You have your own set of challenges.
Your personal life, individual experiences, and DNA have led you to where you are.
It's a mixed up, nuanced, convoluted interaction between who you are, where you're going, where you've been, what you envision, and what the world is telling you.
My point?
There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.
I've had enough bad days to know that there will be plenty more.
I've had enough good days to know that it's worth getting through the bad ones.
At some point, we make decisions about who we are, where we're going, etc.
The way we go is the way we go.
There's no right or wrong, here.
It's just true.
It seems that knowing this, our broader purpose is to conquer ourselves and teach others to do the same.
This might sound too much like my attempt at explaining the "meaning of life," but I'm okay with that.
This is truthfully about as close as I've gotten to answering that question.
The reason we're here, with all our sentience, is to quiet those inner demons, conquer ourselves, and train the next generation to do the same.
I'm sure this isn't the meaning of life, but I'm also just as sure that I'm either close or directionally aligned.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, so please reply/comment.
2 Minute Action
Take a second to reflect and evaluate the following:
- What voices do you have that contradict your mission?
- How do you engage them when they are noisy?
- What might you do to help the next generation learn this skill set?
Take 2 minutes to reach out to someone in your life and ask "how can I help you?"
This small gesture just might be enough to move the needle for someone or give them the courage to go after something they desire.
This Will Make You Confident And Optimistic
I was wrapping a bandana around my face in a dusty rural town in the southern part Oaxaca, Mexico.I had never driven an ATV before, but I was about to.I didn't know how to shift gears, work the throttle, or position my weight.I didn't know how much torque would buck me over and I didn't know how much I'd be able to see through the dust.
I got on and fired it up anyway.
There's something cool that happens in these moments--when you don't know what to expect.You get the chance to conquer something.You get the chance to conquer fear or weakness or whatever it is inside you that holds you back from living the life you want.
I hit the gas and figured it out.
In fact, I figured it out pretty fast--faster than I thought.I hit the trails with a few friends and tore up some dust in the woods for the first time.It was such a small win--but that didn't matter. It was another thing I conquered.It wasn't the ATV that I had mastered, it was that part of myself.I had conquered that odd voice that says "don't," "you can't," and "something bad will happen."
I beat it one more time.
And when you have lots of small wins, bigger wins seem more possible.And when you have a few bigger wins, even bigger ones seem more possible.It's the consistent conquering of that inner voice that starts to lead to the thought pattern of confidence and optimism.
2 Minute Action
What's something you've always wanted to do but haven't made the time to make it happen?I'm not saying you have to plan your whole trip to kayak New Zealand right this second, but in 2 minutes you could text a few accountabilibuddies to help you set a timeline and a budget and make something happen.It doesn't have to be a million dollars and it doesn't have to be on the other side of the planet.It just has to be enough to feel like it's outside of your comfort zone.Oh, and FYI:People who set a date and a budget are over 80% more likely to actually follow through with their goals.You can send an email, a text, or make a phone call in 2 minutes.Start small.And then keep going.Nothing bad will happen.I promise.
Stop Missing This Major Productivity Lesson
You're not going to like this . . . but it's true.
Tell me, how often does this happen?When you read a blog post on productivity, you're tempted to download a new app, buy a new book, start a new routine, ad infinitum."The app I'm using is garbage, and I really just need to sort that out before I'll ever be productive and organized."
You know what I'm about to say, right?
It's not the app.It's not the book.It's not the routine.
It's you.
I need a new diet plan. I need the ab machine 9000. I need new gym shorts.Please recognize that the solution to the problem, whether it's a fitness plan, a standard operating procedure, or a mindset shift, is 100% YOUR responsibility.The solution is absolutely inside you. And you're the only one who can see this.Don't look past this critical ownership!
It's so easy to say:
"Oh I can't workout today because I don't have weights, a pull up bar, a yoga mat, or the THINGS I need to get in a real workout."Bull.You can go for a run, do wind-sprints, do 100 pushups, or do lunges until your legs are jelly. You can do it without the tools. You can be productive without the tools. You can be amazing without the tools.There is absolutely nothing outside of you that's a prerequisite to change your state of being, right now.No apps. No diets. No marketing strategy.No bullshit that clutters your brain.It's all inside.Stop missing the point and going straight to what's outside of you.
What's an excuse you've already made today? (Don't worry, I've got some too.)Is it a real excuse or are you making this one up?If you're not sure. Comment and we'll figure it out. P.S. Don't stress out about this, it doesn't help. Remember, we're making consistent, incremental, daily actions. We're not trying to lift 500 lbs. on the first rep. Stick wth me, here. This takes time and practice.