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How Might You Rebuild Education?

There are some main points to think about before answering this question:

  1. Not everyone learns the same way as you.
  2. The current school system works well for some people.
  3. How might our values change in the future, and how can we prepare?

Okay, that said, what did you wish they’d taught you in school?

What do you wish you’d paid more attention to in school?

What do you think we’ll need to teach kids in the future?

Reply here and let me know.

Also, reply and let me know if you'd like to be included on a video call with other readers to talk more about this issue and how to solve it.

2 Minute Action

Just because they didn’t teach you something in school doesn’t mean you can’t still learn it now, or that it’s not now your responsibility to learn it.

Take 2 minutes to review your answers to these questions and consider the steps to teach yourself what you never learned in school.

It could be that you need to go for an MBA, a class on contract negotiation, or even just find a few good YouTube videos.

It only takes 2 minutes to start.

Or to email me and tell me what you think. ;)

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Do You Know This Important Key To Output?

“Why didn’t you tell me?”“I should have know about this!”“If you’d have told me earlier, I would have had all of this ready!”Okay, I’ve said all this before—but it wasn’t until I heard a colleague say it that I realized something important.Sometimes, having information ahead of time really helps.A lot of the time, though, it doesn’t add any value!I find myself getting frustrated about this and then pausing to ask “what would I have actually been able to do differently, and would I have??”

A lot of the time, the answer is simply: nothing.

You don’t always need to know.This goes for your career and personal projects, too.You don’t always need to know what the outcome will be.You don’t always need to know what all the variables are.You don’t always need to know the steps involved, or the rules of the game, or the potential risks.Even more important, even more than knowing, is action.And even more important is learning.

And even more important is reiterating.

And again and again and again in a relentless, unforgiving circle of continuous improvement.You don’t always need to know everything.In fact, you usually don’t.

2 Minute Action:

Whats something you’re trying to learn a lot about before you start right now?What could happen if you just started doing instead of learning?Are you sure about that?How long would it take you to take the first step?I bet you could do the first step in two minutes.Its up to you.Another fun fact:People are a lot less likely to get in your way once you’re already moving.

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A Secret Weapon Most People Don’t Know They Have

When you learned geometry, it wasn’t because you were going to need it later in life.It was taught so you would learn to sit still and follow instructions.Mans maybe that’s important for some people some of the time.But what it doesn’t teach is the practical skills you need to be a productive and informed citizen.Until we change the way we educate, it’s up to you to educate yourself with the things that are useful.That means it’s up to you to determine what’s useful and do the work to learn it.Owning your future means envisioning it, backwards engineering what it takes to get there, and executing relentlessly.Its up to you to figure out how to do all three.Theres no manual and you won’t learn these skills in school.

2 Minutes Action:

Who is someone you admire?Call/email them and ask about their journey.If you have one person in your life who you admire and will talk to you for 30 minutes a month, you have won the lottery.This resource can be a secret weapon that gives insight into yourself and your potential future.

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