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Do Less (But With Ambition)

Pursue fewer but better.Are you turning gears faster in a gearbox or are you working on the few things that really matter?You only have 24hrs per day.Everything on your to-do list must fight for its life to stay there.

2 Minute Action

After compiling your list, take 2 minutes to decide what you will not do.

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Why Minimalism Isn't Right

Do fewer, more impactful things.

I bet you've heard some version of this before, so let this just be a reminder.The idea isn't to get you to stop doing what you're doing or to ask you to start some new way of doing things.Consider this a reminder.

Here are some examples:

Warren Buffet knew he didn't have the time or resources to invest in everything or even a lot of things. So he picked a few companies that were highly likely to succeed and tripled down on them.Herb Kelleher knew that Southwest Airlines couldn't compete with every airline in the industry. So he picked a few routes, a few customers, and delivered exceptional service. He won customers for life and has become one of the most profitable airlines in history.Jim Collins did a study of some of the top companies in the world and wrote a book about what he found. He found that companies who had the "Hedgehog Concept," the idea that they knew "one big thing," were monumentally more successful than companies who knew about a lot of little things.Those of you who have been following me know that I preach all the time about "minimalism" and the value of living and operating within one's means.Really, it's not minimalism. Honestly, that word just sounds like I'm a smelly, raggedy hermit or something.


By focusing on what matters, you can avoid what doesn't.That means letting go of bad things, small things, as well as good things and pretty good things.As Derek Sivers coined: "Hell yes, or no!"

2 Minute Action:

What are the essential, non-negotiables in your life and work right now?What are the things that, if you didn't do them, nothing bad would happen?What are the things that, if you didn't do them, something bad would happen but nothing catastrophic would happen?I'm not telling you what to do--I'm just asking questions that you can ask yourself to help guide your actions.Comment, reply, and let me know what things you think you can stop doing and on what you think you might need to double down.

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The Best Argument For Minimalism I've Found So Far

Look, I'm not trying to get you to give up all your stuff and be a dish towel wearing hermit.I'm asking you to look seriously at your baggage (physical, social, and emotional) and decide what actually adds value to your life.Here's a great example:

This is a photo of a divorcing couple, in court, dividing up their beanie babies.

I don't know the details of this breakup, so it could be a completely healthy one for all I know.All I can tell you is that it looks an awful lot like they are valuing the wrong stuff.Consider this a strong visual representation of "Christmas Yet To Come."Whether it's physical stuff, emotional stuff, work projects, ideas, or whatever--it's up to you to make sure you're focusing your time and energy on the few things that truly add value.The rest is all noise.The rest is a distraction.

2 Minute Action

What is your intention for today?What will you accomplish?What will you get done no matter what gets in your way?Decide on one, focused thing and get going.

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