Wait, Why Do The Minimum??
Okay, so lots of people don’t know what they’re doing—but that’s no excuse.
Thinking through every problem and trying to solve it perfectly before you start will only prevent you from ever starting in the first place.
What is the minimum amount you can do to get your point across, deliver on the promise, or get into the market?
Do that.Start.
Now consider this caveat . . .
Fields where this approach works: business, marketing, manufacturing, event production, software development, and many others.Fields where this approach does not work well: surgery, rocket development, neuroscience, quantum mechanics.The point is, unless your work requires a rare skill set that takes years to develop through academic and professional training, you are probably just getting in your own way.
2 Minute Action
If your goal is to get fit, do 2 minutes of burpees. That’s enough to start.If your goal is to build software, just wireframe up your concept on a PowerPoint presentation and demo it on a sales call. That’s enough to make a sale.If your goal is to write a book, write a blog post or an article first. That’s enough to get feedback from others.
[TOOL] Evernote Vs. iOS Notes
I just caught myself looking at a comparison review of Evernote and the iOS Notes app.
I pay $8/month for Evernote and I have been for years.
But I’ve noticed that I haven’t really used Evernote over the past few months. I had exclusively been using iOS Notes.
That money is being wasted!
But why?
Evernote has always been better.
- Evernote could record your voice and save it as a note.
- Evernote could scan your whiteboard notes and make THOSE searchable.
- Evernote could upload everywhere and do everything.
Over the past few years, they built more apps, more extensions, and more features.
Scannable. Skitch. Web Clipper. And many others.
It became a brain.
And then . . . I realized I didn’t actually want a brain.
I wanted a note taker.
The number one feature that mattered to me was how quickly I could get my notes app launched so I could capture my thought.
That was it.
None of those other sexy features actually mattered!
iOS Notes has fewer features, looks less sexy, and doesn't scan anything.
But it does what I need it to do.
What a lesson about productivity and business!
It’s so easy to get distracted by features and extensions and compatibilities.
It’s harder to focus on the minimum viable feature.
The one thing that actually solves the problem.
Time to unsubscribe to Evernote.iOS Notes wins!
2 Minute Action
If you could only get one thing done today, what would it be?
What other things will definitely happen and impede this from getting finished?
Is this one thing dependent on anything else (like someone else’s work) to get done?
How can you get around it?
Just thinking like this for 2 minutes will make all the difference in actually checking things off.
Focus like this makes you immune to distraction.
And if you fall into the vortex of sexy app features (like I just did), it’s this learned habit of thinking that will get you out.