The Easiest Way To Stick To Your 2019 Resolution
It’s February!
How are you doing with your 2019 resolutions?
This is the month where everyone stops going to the gym, starts eating sugar again, or caves one whatever they were working toward.But not you.You’re committed and you know better.If you’re thinking about quitting, consider this . . .
2 Minute Action:
Ask someone to be your accountabilibuddy.This is someone who will stick beside you on your mission or someone who will keep you accountable to your goal.This is someone who will challenge your excuses and listen with empathy when progress is slow.If you need one and don’t know who to ask, just let me know. I have a whole bunch of readers with the same problem.
A Common Reason Resolutions Are Ineffective
It's a fresh start.A clean slate.The funny thing is that you can make a clean slate whenever you want.The sun comes up every day.That's the most high-frequency slate-wiper I know of.
So why do we wait until January to make a resolution?
You're in control.You can decide whenever you want.The new year is just a good excuse.It's up to you to invent more good excuses--because this one only comes around every 365 days.It's the waiting for some arbitrary, made-up mile-marker that can slow so many people down.It's the other 364 days on your revolution around the sun that actually matter.Today is just one of them.
More than 2 Minute Action:
You've probably got more than 2 minutes to reflect, today.Take some extra time to sit by yourself and compare last year's goals and resolutions to this year's behaviors.What matches?Comment here and let me know what you will be doing differently this year to achieve new results.
Are You On Track With Your Resolution?
It's almost February.Most people with New Year's Resolutions quit sometime in February.That means it's crunch time.What's at the top of your priority list?Remember the last thing we talked about? Here's a reminder.
The likelihood you'll succeed with your resolution:
- When people say “I will do . . .” only 29% of people actually follow through.
- When people say “I will do . . . because . . .” that number jumps to 39%.
- And get this, when people say “I will do . . . because . . . on . . . day . . . at this time . . .” that number jumps up to 91%.
What's the trick?Specificity and social support.
2 Minute Action
Reply and let me know if you've had the same resolution every year and what you think is holding you back from making it happen.Or reply and let me know what your new resolution is and how you plan to do it.Just by saying it, you're increasing your chances, and it only takes 2 minutes.