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Prove Me Wrong: All Of Life Is A Game Of Luck

You were born with a functional brain.You were born outside of a warzone.You were born as a human being with opposable thumbs.You were born right here, in this century.You were born with the desire to improve yourself and the world.You were born with enough resources to get the traction to start making things happen in your life.You were born with the opportunities to learn social skills.You were born with the opportunities to work for a living.I could keep going, but I think you get the point.You're lucky. I'm lucky. Most of us are lucky.All those thoughts in your head that tell you the opposite aren't considering the whole context.And without getting into the long explanation of the subtle, nuanced interaction between DNA and environment . . . I think we can all appreciate how much luck we had before we even started.

2 Minute Action

Reframe your thoughts for the next 2 minutes.

  • What ways have you been successful?
  • What gifts have you been given?
  • What opportunities do you have?

Reflect on this and it will turn it into positivity and optimism.That optimism will quickly turn it into your fuel for the day.Go get 'em.

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1 Simple Way To See More Opportunities

Do you practice?Not just hobbies or things outside the scope of your work. I mean your work, too.Do you practice patience, assertiveness, and creativity?

It goes without saying that if you’re not deliberately practicing, you won’t improve.

So, how do you practice if it’s not a language or an instrument or a technique?Its up to you to find the opportunities in your routine.Its up to you to prevent yourself from avoid the discomfort of those moments.

There’s no magic, here—you just have to care enough to show up.

And when you see opportunities to grow instead of problems that add friction, you’ll know you’re practicing the right kind of thinking habits.

2 Minute Action

What’s something that happened recently that made you uncomfortable?Think of an interaction with someone or a result you got that wasn’t what you expected.It will take you 2 minutes or less to reframe that situation as an opportunity to grow.Ask yourself what you could have done better.Take this lesson with you into your day and keep an eye out for opportunities!

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[SERIES] 7/7 Unpopular Belief: Be As Disloyal As Possible

Yes, we can all agree that loyalty is useful in personal relationships.But the rest of life is much more complicated.This is post 7 of the 7 Unpopular Beliefs Series.

Be As Disloyal As Possible!

Personal Loyalty

Yep. This is the part of being a human that has helped us survive for so long as a species.By trusting our neighbors, humans have been able to build societies that functioned and developed.Strangely, it doesn't always work the same for business or for building resources.

Opportunism helps us get to the next level.

By seeking and seizing opportunities, we can move forward faster.Being brand loyal doesn't help you if the brand suddenly changes leadership and goes in a new direction.Being loyal to a partner doesn't help you if your partner decides to sell off their shares.Being loyal to your previous statements or beliefs doesn't help you change your mind with new information.

Choose the plan with the most options.

This helps diversify your options so that you can choose based on the changing context of the world.As the backdrop changes, so will your decisions.

2 Minute Action

Staying in the theme of options, here are some action options for today:

  • Tell your closest friends or your partner how grateful you are to have them in your life.
  • Tell your employer that you're looking for more opportunities within the company and you'd like to know more about what it takes to get there.
  • Reply to this post! What's something you believed as a child that you no longer believe, now?
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