Why I Love Haters
Let's talk about haters.Haters are the 2%-5% of people who just can't be pleased, entertained, soothed, or fixed.
There's nothing you can do about them.
Don't confuse this with feedback.People who complain are often offering you valuable feedback, even though they might not do it in a respectful way.It's your job to avoid taking things personally and listen objectively to what they're saying.
Sometimes you can't fix it and sometimes you can.
The point is, you'll know when you've got a hater because this is the person who just wants to complain or "get a rise" out of you.But you know better.If you focus your energy on haters, they will absorb all of it.If you focus on feedback, you will continuously improve.The punchline is that when you meet a new hater, you've given an opportunity to grow.When you meet a new hater, you're given an opportunity to choose to make the world better.
2 Minute Action
How about a random act of kindness, today?It only takes 2 minutes or less.Text someone. Leave a post-it note. Send a gift.You have everything you need to make the world just a little bit better.
Hustle Is Important But Not That Important
Are you familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Quick summary:
Abraham Maslow was a Psychologist who was able to illustrate a simple order of human needs that could play a huge role in motivation, emotions, and decision making behavior.Basically, you need your basics met first. Like food and shelter.Then you need your social and emotional needs met, like family and friends.Only after that can you go after other things like advancing your career or becoming your best self.We fluctuate up and down these rings of the Pyramid of the Hierarchy of Needs throughout our lives so don’t be fooled into thinking once you’re up, you’re up for good.
Here’s how this relates to hustle, motivation, and your career:
It’s the same with your work ethic, your attitude and your intentions.To be “successful” in your own eyes, you need to work hard. That has to be the first part of the equation.But after that, you need to get adequate rest and recovery.After that you can go after gains in performance and career.After that, you can say “no” to opportunities and narrow your priorities.
Quick pause to focus on the punchline:
I’m sure this all makes sense but I want to be really clear about the process and the order in which all of this can happen.There is a TON of advice out there saying things like “you should say ‘yes’ to every opportunity!”There an equal amount of opinion saying you should “say ‘no’ to more opportunities!”
Not only do you need to figure out what works for you but you need to figure out what works for you right now.
Remember that a lot of advice is “here are the 8 numbers I used to win the lottery” and won’t apply to you, your industry, your decade, your team, or your circumstance.That doesn’t mean don’t try.It means try more.
2 Minute Action
Where are you in the hierarchy of needs?Do you have your basics met?If not, it might be time to reset your goals to focus only on basic needs.If so, it might be time to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself.Identify this today.Your next moves will be clear, guilt-free, and easier to execute after you do.
Prove Me Wrong: All Of Life Is A Game Of Luck
You were born with a functional brain.You were born outside of a warzone.You were born as a human being with opposable thumbs.You were born right here, in this century.You were born with the desire to improve yourself and the world.You were born with enough resources to get the traction to start making things happen in your life.You were born with the opportunities to learn social skills.You were born with the opportunities to work for a living.I could keep going, but I think you get the point.You're lucky. I'm lucky. Most of us are lucky.All those thoughts in your head that tell you the opposite aren't considering the whole context.And without getting into the long explanation of the subtle, nuanced interaction between DNA and environment . . . I think we can all appreciate how much luck we had before we even started.
2 Minute Action
Reframe your thoughts for the next 2 minutes.
- What ways have you been successful?
- What gifts have you been given?
- What opportunities do you have?
Reflect on this and it will turn it into positivity and optimism.That optimism will quickly turn it into your fuel for the day.Go get 'em.