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How To Actually Do Less Stuff And Get More Done

Productivity is not about doing more work.

It’s not about turning gears faster in a gearbox.And it’s not about the hours you put in.

In fact, it’s just the opposite.

It’s about figuring out how to do less work.It’s about shifting gears to apply better leverage.It’s about reducing the time and resources required to get the job done by deadline.

2 Minute Action

Where do you spend 80% of your day or effort?What causes 80% of the headaches, pain points, or dollar drainage?If you can take 2 minutes to identify it, you can measure it.If you can measure it, you can alleviate it.Don’t try to fix everything at once, just focus on one big problem at a time.

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Feel Guilty: It Helps . . .

I crashed today.I have been overworking, for sure.Long days and few days off.I'm used to 60-80 hour weeks, but it can grind you when it's physical work or after too many weeks in a row.I took today off and I'm taking off tomorrow, too.The trick isn't just identifying burnout when it's happening, it's also giving yourself permission to take the time off.

Wanna make sure you kill your motivation?

Feel guilty.The trouble is that people like you, who care, are going to feel it no matter what.The trick isn't NOT feeling guilty, that's just going to create problems down the road.The trick is to feel guilty and THEN notice and regulate.

2 Minute Action:

Take 2 minutes and meditate today.Take 2 minutes and block off a day on your calendar that's just for you.You're the only one who knows your limits and what you need to perform at your best.

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