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How To Know You’re Done

One of the most common problems I see in teams is an unclear definition of “done.”Done means it’s on its way to the customer.Its out the door, out of your hands, and ready to be tampered with.Done does not mean you did all the work and all you have left is to test it.Done does not mean you made a good effort and you’re waiting on something else to happen.Done does not mean you wrote the email and all you have to do is send it.Done is shipped.Done is tested.Done is ready for the store shelf.When we define done in this way, we make give excuses, impediments, and dependencies a run for their money.

2 Minute Action:

Whats something that you finished but isn’t “done” yet?What happened? What would it take to check the box and take it off your worry-list?Right now, describe the difference between what one task would look like as “done.”Some teams even go as far as to define “finished” differently from “done” so as to highlight this difference on a scrum board.What’s a difference between down and finished?Your output will increase, just by defining this.

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Can You Guess Which Of These Are In Your Control?

I didn't know there were so many advantages for a first time home-buyer.I didn't know that if I had started investing at age 18, I would have 10 times as much saved as I do now.I didn't know that I could have just asked for a raise.I didn't know that there were so many grants available for my project.I didn't know that the market wouldn't want to buy my product.I didn't know that my kids were being bullied at school.I didn't know that my employees were unhappy.I didn't know that primary elections were so important.I didn't know that my health was my choice.I didn't know that too much red meat can cause heart disease.I didn't know that I could forgive myself.I didn't know that I would be put in that situation.

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Regardless of what you know and don't know, the outcome is usually your fault.It's painful to hear, but there's no other way to look at it.Think about it this way:If you deflect ownership, you choose to live your life under someone else's control.If you choose to own each element, you are at fault more, but you give yourself the power to improve.So, until the education system improves (really, until we improve the system,) your education is your responsibility.Not everything is in your control, but your reaction to circumstance absolutely is.Ownership of the outcome, regardless of adversity, is paramount.

2 Minute Action

What's something you've been dwelling on? Ruminating on? Sulking about?What might happen if you gave yourself permission to let it go?What might happen if you gave yourself permission to think about the future?What might happen if you gave yourself permission to feel the sadness of failure and also the optimism of the future?What might happen if you did this all the time?Your productive output will not change until your patterns of thought change.

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What's the next action?

One of the habits we don't learn in school is how to take action.

  • We learn to follow the directions on the box.
  • We learn to sit still for 9 hours.
  • We learn to use a #2 pencil and fill in the circles.

But we don't learn how to regulate our emotions, find out what really motivates us, or pursue an idea with relentless fervor.In fact, as adults, it's amazing that we can come up with any ideas at all. The good news is that there's still time. Your brain is never actually done learning--well, not until you've given up on it.One way to increase your productive output and hunt down more fulfilling work is to ask yourself "what's the next action?"If your massive end goal is to disrupt an industry or change legislation, chances are that the first step is actually very small.It's probably something like "call my friend Jules, who works in the industry."Or something like "Google: 'how bills move through Congress.'"Even if you're wrong about the first step, you're falling forward. You've given yourself the opportunity to learn from that mistake and bring that experience to your next step.You're building momentum.And by constantly asking yourself "what's the next action?" you're building a preventative habit.If you're still not sold on this, just look at this list of a bazillion quotes on the misery of inaction.

2 Minute Action:

What's something that's been on your to-do list for a few weeks?It could be personal or work related.Are there any dependencies? (Things you're waiting on to get started?)What might you do if you knew you'd never get what you needed to start? Could you start anyway? Maybe in a different way?What might be the next action?What might be the first action?I bet it will only take you a few minutes.

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