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8 Things School Didn't Teach You That You Need To Know

The skills you were taught in school are mostly not that useful anymore.

  • You don't need to know that the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
  • You don't need to know that Neptune is a gas planet.
  • You don't need to know that an isoscolese triangle has two sides of equal length.

What you DO need to know is now up to you.

Until we change what we teach in schools, no one else is going to teach you what you actually need to know.Here are 8 examples to get started:

  1. History has been written by the winners, and you can either sit still or help the rest of us re-write it.
  2. Good guys think they are the good guys and bad guys think they are the good guys, so it's up to you to question authority and question yourself.
  3. There is a 0% return on investment for complaining, so you'd better turn that into motivation or you'll be stuck.
  4. A spreadsheet is simple and incredibly useful--you need to know how to use one effectively.
  5. Heart disease is the most common (1 in 4) causes of death in the U.S.--so, yeah, learning to cook and eat healthily is a life-changer.
  6. The most common regret of the dying is "not having the courage to live a life true to themselves," so maybe you should figure out what that means and how to get it.
  7. There are a lot of different personalities out there and you're going to have to work with them, so you'd better learn to negotiate and operate alongside them.
  8. It's hard to know when to put yourself first and when to put others first, but with some practice, you can figure it out.

This is just a quick list of things that have been on my mind.These "soft" skills are so critical in our world and they're not part of any curriculum I've seen.Until they're taught in schools, it's up to you to teach yourself (and those around you).

2 Minute Action

Pick one from the list that is resonating with you.I want you to take real action this time--not self-reflection or setting up bigger tasks for later.Ask yourself right now what you can do to move closer to your goal in 2 minutes.It's okay if it's small, in fact, that's the point.Everyone has 2 minutes.Let me know what your action is in the comments or if you have any other life-skills that should be added to this list.

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Are You Missing Out On The Unsexy Part of Your Work

We can probably agree that the sexy part of being a leader or a business owner or a doctor or an artist or a musician is not typically the whole job.There are early mornings, bad customers, emergency surgeries, writer’s blocks, budget cuts, and furloughs.There are many unsexy parts of work that matters but most of the time, those things are what we need to focus on.Hard work. Discipline. Self-reflection. Action.

In the end, you have to choose the work or the way the work looks.

You can’t optimize for vanity AND for output.What are the hard things?What are the things you don’t want to do?Now you’ve found what’s important.

2 Minute Action

This is known as “eating the frog.”Decide on the thing you want to do the least today.Do that first.Building a habit of conquering these unsexy things accumulates confidence and discipline.In fact, it’s the only way to get them.

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You're Not As Good (or as Bad) As You Think

There's something strange that our brains do.We tend to hyperbolize how we're feeling in one direction or another.Either we're having a great day or a terrible one.It's a good hair day or a bad hair day.Our team is either winning or losing.The truth is much more boring.If we just took an extra second to zoom out for a second, we might see what others see. The good news (and the bad news) is that it's never as good (or as bad) as it seems.The more we can look at ourselves pragmatically, the easier it is to see the world as it actually is. This means seeing our Facebook friends and co-workers as they actually are. This means our grip on the world is more founded on the truth, and we are less likely we are to make important decisions along the ebb and flow of our experience.What a fresh dose of clarity for our mental health that would be, right?

2 Minute Action

When was the last time you beat yourself up for something?How might you talk to yourself if you were one of your friends, instead?Using this little question/technique can quickly cut through the fogginess of self-reflection.Use it today, you might just learn something about yourself.

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