Don’t Be Like Rocky Balboa
It hurts me to say it, but it’s true.
I’m even from the greater Philadelphia area.Don’t be like Rocky Balboa.He got his shot at the big time, and it’s true that he survived it—but he sustained some serious damage.He has brain trauma, he almost went blind, his friend Paulie lost all of his money, and it took him years to muster up the courage to see his son.It’s all very sexy in the movies.But Rocky is a clumsy fighter and it took him two movies just to get the training he needed to be a more technical fighter.We all know how the story goes, but what if something had gone wrong?
Just one half-inch could have flipped his life even more upside down.
So, the next time you are faced with a problem or an impossible challenge, you should consider working smarter and not harder.Consider the odds and the consequences.Hope is not a strategy.Increasing your odds is a strategy.
2 Minute Action
What’s something is taking up 80% of your time or energy?Whats the thing that is causing 80% of your friction in whatever you’re doing.Work or life.That is your target.Take 2 minutes to identify some possible targets today.
The Secret This World-Class Drummer Used To Be The Best Without Doing More Work
Steve Smith was the drummer for Journey.
He had been a drummer for most of his life and many people held the opinion that he was one of the best in the world.
Smith has been on the front page of Modern Drummer Magazine and DRUM! Magazine, he has been listed in Rolling Stone’s Top 100 Drummers of all time and is currently enlisted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Smith was a great drummer because of his commitment to improvement and his self-discipline in practice.
Smith was so committed that he took 3 years off.
Sounds weird, right?
Well, he took 3 years off from touring and instead studied with a drum guru—far away from his bands.
When he came back, his bandmates were very excited to hear him play all the new stuff he’d learned.
Smith knew something they didn’t.
When they played again, for the first time in 3 years, his bandmates were blown away--but not for the reason you're thinking . . .
“Steve, you don’t sound ANY different! You sound EXACTLY THE SAME! What the heck did you do up there?”
Smith simply replied:
“That’s exactly what I hoped you’d say. I know I sound exactly the same, but I’m doing a third of the work.”
This story encapsulates the core principle of productivity: working smarter and not harder.
Please, stop believing that you have to drum harder to sound better.
You don’t.
You don't need to work a million hours, cut valuable hours of sleep, de-prioritize your family, etc. etc. etc.
By focusing on the essentials, you give your brain and body space to improve and be happy.
You can, with deliberate practice and focus, work on the things that will yield the highest output for the lowest cost.Master the essentials--because the rest is just noise.
2 Minute Action
Take 2 minutes to cut one or two things from your list today.
You can cut a task. You can cut a project. You can cut a person. You can cut anything you want, so long as it’s non-essential.
You only have the rest of your life.
There is no time for the non-essential in any dimension.
Please, reply here and let me know what you're planning to cut out from your life.