The 3 Things Required To Master Life
Before I get this going, I need to say something really important.This whole thing is really simple to understand but hard to implement.This is one of those things that just takes a lifetime.That said . . .
1 - Awareness
Understand that there's a problem, a change, an opportunity. Identify and define.
2 - Acceptance
Realize that this is a reality. This does not mean you are complacent with the reality--only that you understand it's realness. Most of the battle for most people is fought here. Shortening the distance between awareness and action is one of the most critical skills we can develop.
3 - Action
These are the strategies and real-world tactics you take to move you from one state of existence to another. It happens after you make a choice to commit to action.
2 Minute Action
Pick an issue in your life right now.It doesn't matter if it's good or bad.Run that problem through this 3 step exercise.Have you used this framework or a similar one before?Let me know what's worked for you or how this new approach feels different.
When Is A Good Stopping Point?
I hear this all the time."This is a good place to stop. I'll just pick up here tomorrow or next week."Though this sounds like a good idea, economically, it's really ineffective.The hardest part for most people is generally not continuing to move forward once you've started--it's starting in the first place.
Uber drivers are a great example:
Most Uber drivers have a number of dollars in mind they'd like to make for the day.Once they hit their number and then they stop working.Some days it takes forever and other days they get there in a few hours.Instead of saying "I've made enough to stop," a more effective strategy would be to say: "I'm doing really well today, so I should keep going so I can make up for all the light days I'll have in the future."Instead, Uber drivers are cutting out at the most profitable times and grinding through the most difficult hours even though they could make life a lot easier by capitalizing on those good days.Think how much better life would be if you just stayed in the car on a good day and then just stopped early to go to the beach on a bad day where you only made $50.
So there are two good lessons to take from this:
- You can't control the days that are good or bad, but you CAN choose to capitalize on the good days so you can protect yourself from the bad ones.
- The hard part isn't finding a good place to start or stop, it's just starting--so once you've started, don't stop yourself short.
2 Minute Action:
What's something that's going really well in your life, right now?What might leaning into that look like?What would happen if you doubled down on that?I bet you it only takes 2 minutes to make a phone call, send an email, or show up with your full self.
Here’s Why You Should Steal
When I first started learning to play guitar, I didn’t have much to create.I started playing the music that I had heard again and again, only to realize what it was that I liked about it.I took pieces, movements, and hand shapes that I liked and rearranged them the way I liked.I took chords, techniques, and styles from the greats.
I stole just about everything I could.
What happened next was unexpected, though; I started to create my own sound.It wasn’t until I’d absorbed all this that I found my creative voice.Interestingly, the same thing happened with my writing, marketing, and the way I manage my projects.
I stole all the good stuff, and now I’ve made it my own.
Now, I’m not saying you should plagiarize or pretend you invented something, that’s weak and immoral.I’m just saying you need to find out what it is that resonates with you and internalize it.
This is a fast way to move toward the person you wish to be.
Techniques, styles, habits—whatever.They’re out there, and they’re yours for the taking.The most important part, though, is what you do with them.
2 Minute Action:
What’s a characteristic or achievement you admire in someone else?What’s a technique, strategy, or behavior someone has done recently that you think is smart?Try it for yourself today. I bet it takes you 2 minutes or less to try it on for size.