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Read This If You Have Trouble "Relaxing"

I was miserable.I just took a day off.I was "trying" to relax all day.All I could think about were all the things that needed my attention.I spend a lot of my time thinking about identifying important things and getting them done.Don't laugh but this is hard for me.Of course, most of the work will be there when I return to it--and without any real consequence.But sometimes, there are things that will break if you don't attend to them.Getting through the anxiety of not fixing them requires reminding yourself of the consequences and accepting them.Only then, will the voice in your head be quieted and you will be able to focus on being present.

It's a comparison.

Either you can let go of the work and focus on yourself, or you can let the work take your attention until you let it give you a break.It won't.Your call.

2 Minute Action

What's giving you the most anxiety today?What are the top items on your worry list?What will happen if you don't alleviate them today?Tomorrow?Take 2 minutes to meditate on the consequences.This part is up to you. If you can accept the consequences, it's easier to give yourself permission to rest.If not, you might just be anxious until you make the time to resolve them.

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This App You’re Using Is No Better Than CDROM

Have you seen this one in every hotel?

Control this TV with your phone

The benefit of the app can’t be that it replaces the remote. The remote works just fine. Why do we need to replace it?

If we’re going to build an app, it should be doing more than the remote. It should beat the remote.

The magic of an app can’t be that the same capabilities of the remote are now on a shiny screen!

We already went through that!

That was CDROM in the 90s!

How is that better?

A lot of resources go into technology products and if we’re developing with a lean mindset, this product really needs to justify why it exists.

That product really needs to justify why it took so many developer hours and venture capital.

There are a few times it’s okay to invest in something to achieve “feature parity.”

Feature parity just means that the new thing has the same capabilities or features as the old version.

This can be okay but only under certain conditions, like when it enables you to build more or better future features at less cost or more stability or by using less computer processing hours.

That’s an investment. That’s justified.

Having a lean mindset means that tasks, features, and innovations are all fighting for their lives to stay on your task list.

2 Minute Action

You have a list of things to do?


Spend 2 minutes right now, going top to bottom.

Everything must fight for its life to stay on the list.

Good questions to ask:

What might happen if I put this off?

What might happen if I never finish this?

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The Single Most Useful Productivity Hack You Can Use In Less Than 2 Minutes Everyday

Okay, I hate "hacks."I'll be honest.They're usually taken out of context, oversimplified to suit every scenario, and don't actually move the needle.This one feels different, to me.

It's a little weird, so stick with me for a sec.

Gerunds.So, gerunds are those verbs that end in "-ing."

  • Working.
  • Planning.
  • Compiling.
  • Visioning.
  • Assessing.

Etc. etc.

I see people use these works in their task list all the time.

"I'm going to be working on the report for our Atlanta warehouse, today."This is no good!

What does "working on" mean?

It has no clear beginning or end.It doesn't explain how much work will get done or when the whole task will be done.It just says "I'm busy."

We want to avoid being busy. We want to be productive.

A better task description would be:"I'm going to input the McKinsey report into our database so I can decide if we need to close the warehouse in Atlanta this week."Focus on what you will actually achieve, today. This is a core principle of the Agile Framework and it will keep you focused on discrete deliverables.And that's what productivity is all about.Small, incremental deliverables.

2 Minute Action

Review your task list for today.Use these 3 Questions to avoid the gerund trap.

  • What did you achieve/finish yesterday?
  • What will you achieve/finish today?
  • Do you have any impediments or dependencies that might stop you from finishing, today?
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