Why You Shouldn’t Be The Hero

Being a hero is sexy. 

Everyone grows up wanting to wear a mask and have super powers. 

The trouble is that while the idea of super-hero powers is attractive, it’s not functional. 

Unless you have found a glowing vat of toxic waste and survive contact, you can probably kiss this dream goodbye. In fact, you can also kiss other types of heroism goodbye. Like:

  • Working 100 hour weeks.
  • Never taking breaks.
  • Missing your kids’ baseball games.

The list goes on. 

You don’t have to suffer to be productive or successful. 

I’m going to say that one more time to help it sink in. You don’t have to suffer to be productive or successful. 

If your work requires heroism to get the job done, your process is broken. 

There are plenty of people who are more successful and productive than you and who are also happy.

2 Minute Action

What is something you really love doing?Take 2 minutes right now to carve out whatever time you need to do that thing. It can be for this week or for next month. Just carve out the time and look out for yourself. 

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How Being Unsexy Helps

The thing about this post is that it’s just one post.It’s a small piece of a whole commitment to posting everyday.It won’t save the world.It won’t make you (or me) rich.It won’t change anyone’s life.Well, probably not.What’s more likely is that by chipping away slowly, over time, a more clear and overarching message becomes visible.

Big monumental paradigm shifts are sexy.

You know what’s not sexy?Waking up before everyone else so you can read up on your field.

Industry disruptions and rocket-ship startups are sexy.

You know what’s not sexy?Firing a close co-worker who turned out to be the wrong fit in your quickly changing company.

Lots of funding and office massage chairs are sexy.

You know what’s not sexy?Investing 20% of your income every time you get paid.

Don’t be sexy.

Be good.Be good and just a little bit more good every day.Make the commitment to small, daily actions and the momentum will catch up with you laterFor a long time, exponential growth just looks like linear growth on the same chart.Then, suddenly, it’s not even close

2 Minute Action

What’s something unsexy you have to do today?Do it first.Make that a habit and the rest will come.

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How To Finally Understand Motivation and Make It Work

There’s something special about the blank page. Pure possibility. And even more important: it’s what’s behind the page.

That’s the promise you made to fill it. 

Whether your blank page is a computer terminal, a squat rack, or a sales call, it’s just as big of a promise.

The only trouble is that it’s never like it is in the movies. 

It’s unsexy. There’s no montage. There’s no theme music. There’s no audience cheering you on. 

It’s just you and your commitment. 

It’s just the raw reality of what it takes. You have to stir up the motivation in yourself. You have to remind yourself why you’re doing it—because no one else is going to do it for you. It’s up to you to evaluate and crush your own excuses. 

Every day. 

Even though you don’t get any credit, today. Even though you don’t get any recognition, today. Even though you don’t get any return on investment, today. That’s the way the path goes. 

Drip. Drip. Drip. 

Every day. No matter what. 

2 Minute Action

What are you avoiding?I’ve said this before and that’s kind of the point. It’s not always going to be a new, shiny task or action item that shows up at your desk. Most of the time, it’s going to be the same, dull, boring task you don’t want to do. So, start with that. De-sensitize yourself to the dullness. Your compounding interest depends on it. 

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