This Bothered Me So Much . . . I Had To Share It
I’m up at night thinking about it.I’m working all day thinking about it.I can’t stop myself from talking to others about it.It’s the one factor that matters more than anything else.
It matters more than hard work, aptitude, attitude, or background.
It’s how much you care.It’s my life’s work to help people care more.If people like you just care about other people and the way you spend your time, everything else has the potential to fall into place.Caring means treating others with respect even when they disrespect you.Caring means creating or discovering a mission and working toward achieving it.Caring means doing the right thing even when others around you disagree or reject you.
2 Minute Action
Take your pick. Any of these 2-minute actions will get you started on exhibiting the #1 sign of a person who cares . . . Action.- Do a quick time audit of your day and cut out something non-essential. This is harder than it sounds.- Call/Email/Text someone you haven’t gotten along with recently. Reach out with empathy and gratitude. Refrain from expressing your side and just listen to understand.- Write down some of your goals and ask how these will help others. If they don’t inherently help people, how can you make it so that you both get what you want?
Do You Make Every Second Count?
How many times do you pick up your phone everyday?How many minutes are spent scrolling Instagram or binging on YouTube?What’s the accumulated time wasted in these micro moments?
What if, instead, you took a few of these micro-moments today and did something else?
What if you make a practice of turning these moments into more useful ones instead of throw aways?
This is called making every second count.
It’s not feasible to convert every micro-moment but you can convert a few.If you convert a few per day, over the course of a lifetime . . . you can make a difference.Since you’ve only got one life, you can’t afford not to.
2 Minute Action
Here are some suggestions for today:Text and old friend.Write a thank you letter to a teacher.Tell someone you love them—totally out of the blue.
Your Meeting Is Starting . . .
Apparently, meetings take up about 15% of a typical organization’s time (citation)Also, iturns out that 91% of meeting-goers day-dream, 39% of people fall asleep in meetings, 73% of people do other work while in meetings, 41% of people complain that meetings are a waste of time, and 96% of people skip meetings altogether.In total, the current estimate is about $37 Billion (with a “B”) of salary expenses are wasted on meetings in the U.S.
2 Minute Action:
The next time you have a meeting and aren’t sure if it wilL be useful, run through these questions real quick. This is your litmus test for productive meetings:What would happen if you didn’t have the meeting? Would it impede progress?Could the meeting really be an email or a Skype meeting instead?If you have to have a meeting, can you do it in a room with no chairs?What’s the purpose of the meeting?Pick one of the following, and you can only pick one. If it’s more than one, skip the meeting.• Inform people about the project• Learn opinions or facts that will help you achieve a success• Discuss the project and gain input from interested parties• Pitch or approve the idea for the projectAfter the meeting, how will you know it was a success?