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Read This If You Have Writer's Block

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

I can't think of what to write.

I don't know what will resonate with people.

This idea could be better.

This idea should be better.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

That's one of those inner voices that is stopping you from starting.

So, how do I avoid writer's block?

I literally just start writing.

I start writing about whatever is happening, relevant, on my mind, happened recently, whatever.

The process of writing and turning a story or an idea into a lesson/action happens as I go.

This helps me beat "writer's block."

I also write like I talk, which means that what I write is easy to understand and easy to read--because you're busy and have stuff to do.

I love talking about this because I feel like it plagues so many people.

Start first. The thinking will follow. You can edit later.

Nike nailed this one with "Just Do It."

It's not just writers who get "writer's block."

It's entrepreneurs, teachers, consultants, physicists, and anyone else with a human brain.

You're not going to avoid feeling like you have it, but you can manage it when the feeling is upon you.

2 Minute Action:

What is something you've been avoiding?

Maybe something you've been waiting on something/someone else for?

What would happen if you had to execute anyway?

  • If you're writing a book, a 2-minute version of that might be a blog post.
  • If you're shooting a movie, a 2-minute version of that might be an Instagram live video.
  • If you're writing software application, a 2-minute version of that might be a "hello world" script.

What else? I'd love to hear other ways you can take what you're working on and start with just 2 minutes of action.

If you're not sure or if you feel stuck, just reply/comment.

I bet we can find a solution, together.

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How To Get Past Writer's Block

I've had a few people ask me recently "how do you come up with ideas?""How do you become creative?"There's no cure.Just like there's no cure for "having an idea" or "starting a company."You're not going to magically come up with something brilliant.But if you just start . . .Just start writing. Just start building. Just start calling.Whatever it is you're trying to do, you'll narrow in eventually.Let it be garbage. Let it be bad.Don't throw it away. Don't delete it.Just keep going.The goal isn't perfection, the goal is momentum.Once you get over the anxiety of starting before you can see the ending, you might find that you're quite unstoppable.People (and sometimes the voices in our own heads) are very happy to tell us all the reasons something won't work.Yet, people tend to get out of the way once you're moving.That's the punchline. There is no cure. You just have to start.It's probably not going to be good, so toss out the idea that it should be perfect.The goal isn't to hit a home run in your first at-bat.

2 Minute Action:

What's something you've been putting off?

  • Working out?
  • Writing a book?
  • Start a company?

Start right now in 2 minutes.

  • Do 10 pushups.
  • Write a blog post.
  • Make a sales call.

I promise you can get started on any path in under 2 minutes.Practice that habit enough and you'll forget "writer's block" even existed.

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