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The First Thing You Should Do Everyday To Be Successful

The skills you need will come with time and effort.What's more important is your attitude, your aptitude, and what you believe in.

These things can be said as these questions:

  • How will you react when things go terribly wrong?
  • What are you capable of?
  • What will motivate you intrinsically?

2 Minute Action

It's basically never a bad idea to be in a positive mindset.Take 2 minutes to think of all the reasons you will excel, today.Now think about the thing you least want to do.Do that first.

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It's Not Your Fault, But It Is Your Responsibility

The skills that were taught in school are mostly irrelevant.

Sure, there are basics like math and reading--but even now, the average reading level in the US is 8th grade.

It's not your fault, but it is your responsibility.

It's not fair, for sure.

The sooner we accept and adjust, the sooner we can get moving.

What skills are relevant for your success, today?How about in 10 years?

There are basic, fundamental skills that are required in everything you do.

Some of these are reading, writing, and math.

Then, there are multiplier skills, which help you get better at other skills.

Some of these are discipline, focus, and work ethic.

There are also transferrable skills which are more advanced and can be useful across any field.

Some of these are project management, negotiation, and leadership.

It's not your fault you were never taught these things.

But it is no one's responsibility but yours to make sure you practice, learn, and successfully implement these skills.

2 Minute Action:

Take 2 minutes to identify which of these skills you feel you are good at.Which ones are you bad at?Now is the time to commit to improving 1 of those weaknesses.The world is your oyster. "I don't know how" is a poor excuse.You have the internet, professional counselors, universities, and a supercomputer in your pocket.

"You have everything you need to build something bigger than yourself."- Seth Godin

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If You Think I Can Change Your Life, Stop Reading Here

It’s really unlikely that I will change your life.

I can say motivational things and give you tips and tricks to be productive.

I can talk about how important education is and how the future of our world is dependent on it.

I can even call you out with a 2-minute action every, single day.

But the reality is that I can’t help you.

I am only able to ask you the questions that you need to ask yourself.

You are the one who needs to put in the work every day.

You are responsible for your own discipline.

You are accountable for auditing and improving yourself.

“We are what we continually do, therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit.” -  Aristotle

2 Minute Action

What are you dreading doing today?

Start with that.

I’ve said this before. This isn’t new.

And that’s the point. It’s a daily grind.

My job isn’t to give you something new and shiny to read every day.

My job is to tell you the truth.

The truth is that when you start every day by doing something you don’t want to do, you get stronger.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Every day.

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