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The Overlooked Secret To Being An Anomaly

People who make big impact don’t have lives that look like everyone else’s.

I keep having to remind myself that not everyone on Instagram is actually on vacation—because that’s what it looks like.

People who make big impact don’t have habits that look like everyone else’s.

I keep having to remind myself that you are what you eat, read, watch, and do.

Extraordinary is exactly that, out of the ordinary.

If you want to be an anomaly, you need to act like one.

2 Minute Action

Whats something you’re doing that looks average or common?How about purchasing habits, time watching TV, or your investment portfolio?

Take 2 minutes to:

Delete a subscription you don’t actually need.Commit to 1 week of replacing your TV time with action time.Inquire about a Vanguard Roth IRA.These are just examples. I’m just asking you questions and giving examples so you can ask yourself these questions and come up with your own examples next time.

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How To Get Past Your Breaking Point

Woman in bathtub needing to get past your breaking point
Photo by Naomi August on Unsplash

It might be hard to describe now but you know what it's like when you're there. Your breaking point is your breaking point. You didn't pre-set this. It isn't up to you, but the way you get past your breaking point is what will separate the new you from the old you.




Achey and sore muscles.

The question isn’t whether or not you’re sick, the symptoms are clear, it’s “how hard do I push myself?”

After trying both the “rest and relax” and the “push through it” camps of thought, there is really only one conclusion:

You need to find your limits.

Not "know your limits." That can only happen after you FIND your limits.

This means pushing yourself to the edge and let's be real . . . it's going to hurt a bit.

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

This is another one of those “unpopular beliefs, but it has served me well.

Push yourself until you break. Let yourself recover.

Now you know:

  1. You’re not made of glass
  2. Where your limit is

Without getting to the edge, you will never know if you could have pushed through it

Getting past the breaking point will give you the confidence to approach it again and again.

And it will inform the intensity and duration of your next mission.

The Navy Seals have a 40% rule.

Once you get to the point where your body tells you “I just can’t go on,” you will know that you actually have only gone 40% of the distance you’re capable of going.

When your body is screaming, you actually have 60% left in the tank.

Understanding this rule is a keystone in living a mentally tough life.

2 Minute Action

Set your timer.

Everyone has 2 minutes, that’s why this little segment exists after every one of my blog posts.

Theres no excuse.

I bet you can do push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups or burpees for 2 minutes straight.

This is a physical example but the skill is transferable to other facets of life.

Big things are made up of lots of smaller, actionable things.

2 minutes is plenty of time.

Let's start Monday off right.

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How To Focus On What’s Essential

Clarity of mission.Clarity of vision.Clarity of work.You cant be in multiple places.You only have one lifetime.Choosing what you spend your mental energy on is just as important as choosing what you don’t spend your mental energy on.

2 Minute Action

Take 2 minutes to meditate, today.If you start getting distracted, just bring your mind back to a focus.Thats it.Practice that and bigger, “life things” will become easier.

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