I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I haven't done it.
I'm not going to wave my hand and point fingers.
Instead of pretending to be perfect all the time, how about we substitute a little pragmatism.
Instead of telling yourself that it's inexcusable to ever hit the snooze button, perhaps a better question might be: "How many mornings out of the week do you hit the snooze button?"
How many mornings out of the month?
The year?
The snooze button is another habit. It's a small moment of procrastination, and it's worth mentioning because it's literally the first thing you start your day with.
If you start most days with an act of procrastination, how do you think it might fold into other habits? How might it affect your mindset or your thinking in other contexts?
It's a brick wall.
And every day you do what you want or expect yourself to do, you get to add another brick.
The more times you hit the snooze button, the more missing bricks you've got--and you can't go back and add them once everything's sealed in concrete.
At the end of the year, at the end of your life, how strong is your wall?
A few gaps won't make that much of a difference, but a gap every 7 bricks might.