Chris Danilo

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I wrote a whole blog post and then deleted it. Why?It was terrible. It was another post about those small, incremental improvements.I feel like I'm losing momentum, like I'm losing traction, or like what I'm doing isn't making impact.It's so easy to feel this way.It's also embarrassing to admit it. I'm the motivation and productivity guy from Medium! I have all the answers! Duh!But you signed up for the truth!You signed up for the unadulterated, raw, bare-naked, (mostly un-edited,) before-Medium version of my content.As a perfectionist, it's hard to look at this post and say it's not ugly. I mean, it doesn't feel like the others. It doesn't feel like the best post I've ever written.And if it's not always the best post I've ever written, what's the point? Right?The truth is that the critic in the back of my head is important, even if it's unreasonable.It's a strength that points out inefficiencies, deficits, and imperfections that must be fixed. In fact, it's one reason I'm valuable in the marketplace!Let me explain . . .It's a strength that points out inefficiencies, deficits, and imperfections that must be fixed. In fact, it's one reason I'm valuable in the marketplace!But let's be clear about that voice: it's only useful if it's useful.What I mean is; if it increases motivation, great. If it demoralizes or subdues, ignore it.Fear and criticism should be given attention but NO power.Analyzing is useful. Ruminating is not.Is this what you signed up for?

2 Minute Action

Hit reply and let me know. Do you feel like you're getting what you signed up for?What did you expect when you signed up? If it takes more than 2 minutes, it's your fault. :)One easy way for me to tell if this is going well is to watch how many of you join my new, private Facebook Group.You're all invited, and I'd love to see you there. :)