Finally: The Source of Motivation Explained
It's like a shower.It's like brushing your teeth.It's like your morning coffee.
You've gotta do it every day for it to work.
If you wait for motivation to strike, you're going to be out of luck for a long time.The real-world lesson here is that it's up to you to understand what motivates and activates you.
My motivation comes from 3 main sources:
- An incredible sense of urgency to act now.
- Daily reminders like posters, automatic iOS reminders, and emails to keep the shortness of my life front of mind.
- An incredible sense of care for this planet and all the people on it.
Sure, we can talk about the personal differences that make my list different from yours, but that's not the point.The point is to take ownership of you motivation."I'm just not motivated" is an excuse that is totally within your control.
2 Minute Action
Maybe you already know what motivates or sustains you.If you don't, think of the last time you felt alive. What were you doing?When was the last time you felt the most dead inside?What's something that has bothered you about the world since you were a kid?Let's take these questions and turn them into action, today.You have more control than you think.You've got everything you need at your fingertips.