Chris Danilo

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The One Thing That Causes More Dropped Balls Than Anything Else

For people or for teams who feel stuck or like they are always waiting on external factors to move them forward:

Give yourself or your team an accountability audit.

This assesses how clear your team is on their responsibilities, and where the gaps are. This is critical for pinpointing the systematic flaws that are enabling dropped-balls and missed opportunities.

It means accounting for achievable goals, not tasks that just took up time

Phone calls are not achievable goals that move you forward. They don’t add value to the customer or client.An email is not a task you achieved, your users don’t care how many emails you sent or how well intentioned they were.Closing the deal adds value, so that counts.Launching the book adds value, so that counts too.Accountability means tasks that are measurable.Accountability means thinking about the end user or customer first.Accountability means looking at the task list and interrogating impediments with a fury.It means facing reality and being honest with yourself about what actually needs to happen to hit the goal.

2 Minute Action:

Define the results you want/your goal.Call your best friend and ask them to text you every day until you get it done.When you start making excuses for why you didn’t make progress, you’ll either realize that you’re making excuses or you’ll continue to believe those excuses and see the same results.It’s up to you.