Chris Danilo

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Read This If You Think Corona Virus Will Impact Your Work

Photo by  Free To Use Sounds on  Unsplash

So, I'm going to share something you already know but might not always apply.

There are things that are in your control and things that aren't.

Getting really clear on what's what can help you focus your energy on the things that will improve your position.

This might be in your daily life, it might be at work, or it might be in something specific that's going on right now.

The context doesn't matter in this case.

Specifically, let's talk about the Corona Virus.

Yep. Went there.

Things you can't control about it:

  • What the CDC says/does.
  • What President Trump says/does.
  • What the WHO says/does.
  • What other people do/don't do.

Things you can control about it:

  • Wash your damn hands.
  • Assess how it will likely impact your career/job.
  • Adjust what you're doing to accommodate this reality.

2 Minute Action:

What's the number 1 thing you're stressed about, right now?

It might not be the Corona Virus, but we can take this important lesson away from this insane situation we're in.

What can you not control about the situation?

What can you control about it?

What steps will you take to adjust to reality?