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Read This If You Think Corona Virus Will Impact Your Work

Photo by Free To Use Sounds on Unsplash

So, I'm going to share something you already know but might not always apply.

There are things that are in your control and things that aren't.

Getting really clear on what's what can help you focus your energy on the things that will improve your position.

This might be in your daily life, it might be at work, or it might be in something specific that's going on right now.

The context doesn't matter in this case.

Specifically, let's talk about the Corona Virus.

Yep. Went there.

Things you can't control about it:

  • What the CDC says/does.
  • What President Trump says/does.
  • What the WHO says/does.
  • What other people do/don't do.

Things you can control about it:

  • Wash your damn hands.
  • Assess how it will likely impact your career/job.
  • Adjust what you're doing to accommodate this reality.

2 Minute Action:

What's the number 1 thing you're stressed about, right now?

It might not be the Corona Virus, but we can take this important lesson away from this insane situation we're in.

What can you not control about the situation?

What can you control about it?

What steps will you take to adjust to reality?

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Read This If You Think You Could Manage Your Time Better

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

I had a great conversation with a friend of mine.

He owns a company in San Fransisco that presents public school data to leaders and administrators and shows them where they need to focus in order to improve outcomes for students.

It's an amazing company that is helping lots of schools, but that's not the point.

When we connect, we often talk about project management, productivity, and strategy.

I love chatting with him because I admire the way he runs his company and his life.

One morning, we were talking about time management and how beneficial it is for both of us to be early risers.

I forget what time it was, but it was early in the morning for a phone call--definitely before 8 AM for me and probably before 7 AM for him.

But then he said something that really reshaped the way I look at my calendar.

He said:

"I started noticing that I felt better in the morning. I did better work. I had more energy. So, I stopped focusing on time management and started focusing on energy management."


By introspecting more closely at our times of high-energy and times of low-energy, we may learn more about how to shape our day or when to focus on important tasks.

If we take this another step further, to the career level, it might be helpful to ask yourself:

"What kind of work makes me feel the most alive?"

"What kind of work makes me feel the most dead inside?"

These are powerful indicators that may help you shape your career into the life of your dreams.

And that's the dream, right? To be productive and happy at the same time?

No one wants to be lazy and miserable. No one wants to be overworked and miserable.

2 Minute Action:

So, today, for 2 minutes, I urge you to ask yourself these questions.

If not, don't be surprised if you're doing the same work and feeling the same way about your life and career a few years from now.

Moving from your current state to your future desired state will require energy and strain.

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A Quick Trick For Having More Energy And Staying Motivated

You have no energy or motivation?

“I’m exhausted.”“I don’t know how you have so much energy.”“You’re just a person who is motivated, I’m not.”

I hear this all the time.

Let me explain where it comes from.It’s not that you have no energy to exercise. You have no energy BECAUSE you don’t exercise.It’s not that you have no motivation.It’s that you haven’t done anything meaningful that sparks motivation.

2 Minute Action

Prove me wrong.Go scrape the ice off of someone’s car.Go for a run.Go tell someone that they’re doing a great job and you noticed.Do this and feel how it impacts you.I guarantee you will feel more energized to make a difference in your day.Action creates energy.And that first act of the day is up to you.

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