The Boring, Unsexy Thing That Gives People Confidence
This one isn't a fun one.
You know how these posts go, by now.
Sometimes it's motivational, sometimes it's metaphorical, a lot of the time it's reflective and a little of the time it's hyper nitty-gritty detailed and tactical.No matter how the information gets out, it's usually about doing more or increasing output.In general, we each tend to focus on the output alone and forget the other factors that exist alongside it.This is not a post about focusing on less.This is a post about using what you have until it's spent.
This is a post about being patient with others, with yourself, and with the world around you as you move through it.
The hard part isn't understanding the problem or even taking action--lots of people make it that far.The hard part is executing again and again and again.The hard part is continuing on, even when it's boring or when it looks like you're not going to make it.The hard part is not doing some of it without doing all of it.The hard part is showing up every day.Drip.Drip.Drip.
2 Minute Action
What's the boring, unsexy part of your day?Exercise?Phone calls?Paperwork?You pick.Do that first.You will build trust with yourself, which will lead to confidence and achievement.
The 2 Underlying (And Overlooked) Components of Motivation
Your motivation changes with 2 critical things.When something is scarce or rare, we tend to want it more.When something is urgent, we tend to take action more.Combined, these are a marketing force to be reckoned with.
This information can either be interesting or it can also be useful.
You can use this understanding to avoid feeling pressured into buy those widgets when there are only 6 left and the sale ends tonight.You can use this understanding to prepare for the inevitable internal battle with eating junk food or exercising.Now that you know this information, what will you do?
2 Minute Action
If you’ve been trying to do something for a long time and have been failing, ask yourself: what will be different about it, this time?You should be able to come up with an answer in 2 minutes.Even just one new idea will set up your path and help give you the motivation to follow through.
The Sneaky Thing That Is Distracting Most People
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, CNN, ABC, FOX, the podcast you listened in the car, the sci-fi book you read, etc. etc. etc.These are all media from which we consume "content."Many people really seem to like the content of truisms, idioms, platitudes, or just plain old "sayings."
The trouble with "sayings" is that without context, they don't mean anything.
This is a platitude.It's just like a horoscope.
It could apply to anyone at any point in their lives.
Without context, it's hard to say "that's not true."Without context, it's hard to know how to empathize with the idea and understand it.Without context, it's downright impossible to not be confused by outright contradictions!
Here are some examples of what I mean:
"Good things come to those who wait."and"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."Or how about:"Better late than never."and"The early bird gets the worm."
Do you get my point?
It's impossible to vet any of this as useful without knowing to what the statement is referring.It's fluff.It's filler.
It's a pointless distraction and most people are falling for it.
At the moment, we are living in the Information Age, where it's up to us to calibrate our "B.S. detectors."Keeping context in mind is a huge part of the battle.If you want to understand people, make an impact, or move in the direction of your dreams, you're going to need to bring context into view.
2 Minute Action
What is one information source you use daily?Today, as you go through your routine, consider where "information" on this medium is coming from.It only takes an extra second--not even two minutes--to ask yourself:"Is this true in other cases?""Would this always apply to other parts of my life?""When does this not apply?"