Why No One Cares About Iowa, And Why Everyone Should Be Like Iowa

No one cares about Iowa.Specifically, I'm talking about the University.And specifically, I'm talking about people who aren't interested in the neuroscience program.And, of course, specifically, I'm talking about people who aren't interested in the neuroscience of decision-making.Because it was here, at The University of Iowa, that the Iowa Gambling Task was developed.But truly, who cares about all that? Few people even know what that is!Without going into the mechanics of the experiments, it's important to note that no one cared . . . unless you were a very specific kind of person interested in a specific kind of thing.

It's not for everyone, it's just for some.

And Bechara, and the Damasios, and the other researchers at The University of Iowa didn't want everyone.They only wanted a specific, small group of people who cared intensely about the neuroscience of decision-making.What do you care about?Does anyone else care?Who else might care?Where might you find someone like that?

This is a principle.

You can use this idea in your marketing, in the way you talk to the people you love, or the way you find your passion.

2 Minute Action:

Choose your own future.Pick one of these three questions to answer in the next 2 minutes:

  1. What's something specific and small you can do to move you toward a goal you have?
  2. What's something specific that would make you more valuable to your field or your team?
  3. What's something specific that would turn away those who aren't obsessed with the same specific thing you are?

Okay, the rest is up to you.You've got this.


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